GIS analysis of the public transportation adequate accessibility in metropolitan areas

Figure 2: The local government areas (LGA) in Melbourne Metropolitan

The local government areas (LGA) in Melbourne Metropolitan

Figure 3: The residential areas and population in each LGA

(a) The population density based on LGA

(b) The residential areas in Melbourne Metropolitan

Figure 8: catchment analysis

(b) A catchment for whole Melbourne

Figure 10: The black spots of the Melbourne Metropolitan area

(a) The black spots percentage of each LGAs

(b) The black spots

Figure 11: MB Catchment and LGA

MB Catchment and LGA

Figure 12: Uncovered Population

Uncovered Population

Figure 13: Public Transport Road Utilisation

(a) PTV and Road Network

(c) Road Utilisation by LGA

Figure 14: The availability of public transportation in Melbourne Metropolitan area in different aspects

(a) Night Ride

(b) 24h availability

(c) Active interval

(d) PT services that do not work during the weekend

Figure 15: Stop transit average in each LGA

Stop transit average in each LGA