2017 Senior Scholarship Packet_PTSA.pdf

POB PTSA Senior Scholarship

The Phillip O. Berry Academy of Technology PTSA is proud to make a limited number of scholarships available for POB’s graduating Class of 2019. Scholarship applicants must have joined the POB PTSA and contributed to the 2018-19 Invest in Your Child Campaign by April 15, 2019. If you need to verify your eligibility status, send an e-mail to

The 2019 Phillip O. Berry Academy of Technology PTSA Scholarship announcement and application will be available on the PTSA website, , POB Front Office and with the POB Counselors starting March 8, 2019.

PTSA scholarships are made possible by donations, such as Invest in Your Child, and the fundraising efforts of our Parents, Teachers and Student volunteers. At this time, $1,500 is available to be distributed across the three Berry Academies. The total number of scholarships and their award amounts will be determined when our fundraising efforts have concluded in late April.

There’s still time to help support a PTSA fundraiser during the months of March and April! The more participation we have for fundraising events, the more money we can add to the scholarship pool to be awarded to our Graduating Class of 2019.

If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact Scholarship Chairperson, Ivy Stinson at