History of Membrane Research
in Poland

Membrane Section of Polish Chemical Society

Membrane Section is a branch of the Polish Chemical Society. About 80 Polish membranologists from academia and industry form the Section members. The Section is headed by the President and the Council that are elected every three years. The new initiative to establish Polish Membrane Society has been started in February 2011.

Mission of the Membrane Section

The main task of the Membrane Section is to promote the knowledge of membrane and membrane technologies among academic and non-academic staff as well as industry engineers. This is done throughout organization of thematic conferences, symposia and schools.

Events organized by Membrane Section

There are two scientific conferences that are co-organized by the Section: Biannual National Scientific Conference on “Membranes and Membrane Processes in Environmental Protection” and International Conference Permea on “Membrane Science and Technology in Visegrad and Other Countries”. When the first one is visited by 100-120 participants mostly from Poland, the second one attracts 180-200 membranologists from 20-25 countries around the world. So far ten national and four international conferences took place.

The second form of knowledge dissemination is Spring Membrane School organized every year. The School circulates among the universities that play the leading role in membrane education: Wroclaw University of Technology, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, Warsaw University of Technology, Silesian University of Technology and Opole University. MSc and PhD students as well as industry engineers form the audience of the school while the lecturers are the membrane authorities from Poland and other European countries (Finland, France, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, UK). The school is organized successfully since 1999 in a non-profit mode. The number of students reaches the level of 100 person usually. Membrane Section of Polish Chemical Society co-organized with EMS two European Summer Membrane Schools (in 2001 - Ladek Zdroj and in 2011 - Smardzewice).