Perfect Standing Desk

Maximize Your Workspace: Choosing the Perfect Standing Desk 

Standing desks have become increasingly popular among office workers and individuals seeking to improve their health and productivity. This furniture piece provides users with the ability to switch between seated and upright positions during their day, which can help reduce any health risks related to a lack of movement. 

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the potential health risks associated with prolonged sitting, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of using a standing desk. We'll discuss various types of standing desks available in New Jersey, along with considerations when purchasing one for your workspace. 

Additionally, you'll learn how to set up a standing desk properly in your workspace and tips for using it effectively. Finally, we will delve into different types of sit-stand desks on the market today so that you can make an informed decision about which model best suits your needs. 

Table Of Contents: 

What is a Standing Desk? 

A standing desk, also known as a stand-up or height-adjustable workstation, is an innovative solution that enables the user to stay upright while completing their tasks. This innovative office furniture solution has gained popularity in recent years due to its potential health benefits and ergonomic advantages. In this section, we will discuss what makes standing desks unique and why they are becoming increasingly popular among individuals and companies in New Jersey. 

Understanding the Concept of Standing Desks 

The primary feature that sets standing desks apart from traditional desks is their ability to adjust in height. This enables users to alternate between sitting and standing positions throughout the day, promoting better posture and reducing sedentary behavior.  

The Growing Demand for Ergonomic Workspaces 

Today, in the quickly changing work climate where workers are regularly spending extended hours sitting at their computers or laptops; ergonomics has become increasingly vital. With the associated health risks that come from extended periods of sitting, it is essential to invest in ergonomic office furniture such as standing desks to help mitigate these issues. Studies have demonstrated that extended periods of sitting can heighten the chances of developing heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and even some forms of cancer. 

As a result, many individuals and companies in New Jersey are now recognizing the value of investing in ergonomic office furniture like standing desks. These innovative workstations provide users with the flexibility to switch between sitting and standing positions throughout their workday - promoting better posture, reducing fatigue, and potentially lowering the risk of developing chronic health conditions associated with sedentary lifestyles. 

Standing desks provide an alternative to traditional sitting, allowing for a healthier and more productive work environment. It is imperative to be aware of the potential health repercussions connected with extended sitting in order to determine which desk arrangement best suits your needs. 

 Key Takeaway:  

Standing desks offer an alternative to traditional seating, enabling users to change their position between sitting and standing while promoting better posture and decreasing prolonged sedentary behavior. They come in different types such as adjustable-height desks, sit-stand converters, and crank-style desks. The growing demand for ergonomic workspaces has led individuals and companies in New Jersey to invest in standing desks due to their potential health benefits and ergonomic advantages. 

The Potential Health Risks Associated with Prolonged Sitting 

As more and more individuals in New Jersey spend their days at desks, it is essential to comprehend the potential dangers of long-term sitting. Research has shown that spending extended periods of time seated can lead to a variety of negative health outcomes. 

Negative Impact on Posture 

Prolonged sitting often leads to poor posture, as individuals tend to slouch or hunch over while working at their desks. This can result in neck pain, back pain, and even spinal issues over time. 

Increase in Chronic Diseases 

A sedentary lifestyle is linked to an increased risk of developing chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. In fact, studies have found that those who sit for long periods are more likely to develop these conditions than those who engage in regular physical activity throughout the day. 

Mental Health Concerns 

Sitting for extended periods may also contribute to mental health issues like anxiety and depression. A dearth of movement during the day can result in feelings of edginess and peevishness. Research suggests that engaging in physical activity can potentially enhance one's mental state by elevating endorphin concentrations. 

Tips for Reducing Sedentary Behavior: 

To address these health concerns associated with prolonged sitting, many individuals and companies in New Jersey are turning towards standing desks as an alternative solution for their office furniture needs. 

Prolonged sitting can lead to numerous adverse health effects, so finding an alternative such as a standing desk should be taken into consideration. Utilizing a standing desk may yield multiple advantages, making it an attractive choice for those wishing to mitigate the potential harms of long-term sitting. 

Key Takeaway:  

Prolonged sitting can have detrimental effects, such as impaired posture, sicknesses, and psychological difficulties. To reduce sedentary behavior, taking breaks throughout the day, setting reminders to stand up every hour, and incorporating physical activity into daily tasks are recommended. Standing desks have become a popular alternative solution in New Jersey offices to address these concerns. 

Benefits of Using a Standing Desk 

Standing desks offer numerous health benefits that can improve the overall well-being and productivity of individuals in New Jersey. These advantages are backed by various scientific studies, making them an attractive option for both employees and employers alike. 

Improved Posture and Reduced Back Pain 

Poor posture caused by prolonged sitting can lead to chronic back pain, a risk that may be reduced with the use of standing desks. By using a standing desk, users can maintain better posture throughout the day, reducing the risk of developing back problems. A study conducted by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) found that participants who used standing desks reported less discomfort in their necks and backs compared to those who sat all day. 

Increase in Energy Levels and Productivity 

Reduced Risk of Chronic Diseases 

Sitting for long periods has been associated with an increased risk of developing chronic diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. By incorporating a standing desk into your daily routine, you can help mitigate these risks. The Mayo Clinic proposes that by utilizing a standing desk, one can possibly diminish blood sugar levels and decrease the danger of coronary illness by advancing better well-being. 

Burning More Calories 

Standing burns more calories than sitting down because it engages more muscles in the body. While this difference might not be significant on its own, over time it can contribute to weight management efforts and improved overall health. A study published in the PLOS ONE Journal found that participants who used standing desks burned approximately 170 additional calories per day compared to those who sat all day. 

The benefits of using a standing desk are numerous, from improved posture to increased productivity. Despite the potential gains, there are certain drawbacks to think about prior to making a purchase; we'll examine those in the next section. 

Key Takeaway:  

Standing desks offer numerous health benefits such as improved posture, increased energy levels and productivity, reduced risk of chronic diseases, and burning more calories. These advantages are backed by scientific studies making them an attractive option for both employees and employers alike in New Jersey. By incorporating a standing desk into your daily routine, you can improve overall well-being and mitigate the risks associated with prolonged sitting. 

 Drawbacks of Using a Standing Desk 

While standing desks offer numerous benefits, they also come with some drawbacks that are important to consider before making the switch. It is essential to understand these potential issues and how to address them in order to maximize the advantages of using a standing desk in your business or home office. 

Fatigue and Discomfort 

One common drawback associated with standing desks is fatigue and discomfort when used for extended periods. Prolonged standing can lead to sore feet, leg cramps, or even lower back pain if not managed properly. To alleviate this issue, it's crucial to take regular breaks from standing, either by sitting down or moving around your workspace. 

Potential Increase in Back Pain and Musculoskeletal Issues 

If you already suffer from existing musculoskeletal problems such as chronic back pain or joint issues, switching abruptly from sitting all day at work may exacerbate these conditions. When transitioning into using a standing desk full-time, it's vital to do so gradually while monitoring any changes in your symptoms closely. Consulting a healthcare professional is key for setting up the workstation correctly and avoiding any potentially negative issues. 

Limited Workspace Area 

Cost Considerations 

Standing desks can be more expensive than traditional seated options, particularly if you're looking at adjustable models with electric motors or other advanced features. However, it's essential to weigh the potential health benefits and long-term cost savings against the initial investment when making your decision. You may also want to explore used office furniture stores in New Jersey that offer high-quality standing desk options at a fraction of the price of new models. 

It is important to consider the drawbacks of using a standing desk before purchasing one, as it can be detrimental to your health if used incorrectly. Despite the potential risks, with diligent research and thoughtful consideration of available standing desk options, one can select a product suitable for their needs. 

Key Takeaway:  

Standing desks offer numerous benefits, but they also come with some drawbacks such as fatigue and discomfort when used for extended periods. They may exacerbate existing musculoskeletal problems if not transitioned into gradually while monitoring any changes in symptoms closely. Additionally, limited workspace area and cost considerations should be weighed against potential health benefits and long-term cost savings before making the decision to switch to a standing desk. 

Considerations When Purchasing a Standing Desk 

When selecting a standing desk, it is essential to take into account aspects such as ergonomics, size, adjustability, and cost in order to make the best choice for employees or personal use. These factors will help you make an informed decision when selecting the perfect standing desk for your employees or personal use. 


The primary purpose of using a standing desk is to promote better posture and reduce health risks associated with prolonged sitting. For optimal ergonomics, go for a desk that is adjustable to maintain 90-degree elbow angles while typing and keep computer screens at eye level.  


The size of the standing desk should be suitable for the available workspace without causing clutter or inconvenience. Measure your office space before making any purchases and ensure there is enough room for both the desk itself and any additional accessories like monitor arms or keyboard trays. 

List of typical sizes: 


An ideal standing desk should offer easy height adjustment options so users can switch between sitting and standing throughout the day comfortably. There are several types of height-adjustable mechanisms available in today's market: 


The cost of standing desks varies greatly depending on factors such as materials used, adjustability features, and brand reputation. When considering your budget, it's essential to not only look at the initial purchase price but also at the potential long-term costs like maintenance or replacement parts if needed. Be sure to compare different brands and models before making a decision - you may find that investing in a higher-quality desk pays off over time through increased durability and better user experience. 

In addition to these primary considerations when purchasing a standing desk, don't forget about other factors such as warranty coverage, customer reviews, assembly requirements (if applicable), and availability of accessories like anti-fatigue mats or cable management solutions. Considering all the elements while shopping for a standing desk in NJ will ensure you get the best choice that meets your requirements. 

It is essential to consider the amount of room accessible in your workspace and the activities you execute when weighing a standing desk. With that said, there are many different types of standing desks available on the market today, so we'll explore those next. 

Key Takeaway:  

When purchasing a standing desk, it's important to consider ergonomics, size, adjustability, and cost. Look for desks with adjustable heights that allow users to maintain proper posture and switch between sitting and standing throughout the day comfortably. Additionally, compare different brands and models before deciding, as investing in a higher-quality desk may pay off over time through increased durability and better user experience. 

The Popularity of Standing Desks in New Jersey 

Standing desks are becoming increasingly popular in New Jersey due to their health benefits and convenience. Many businesses are now investing in standing desks for their employees, recognizing the importance of promoting a healthy work environment. The growing awareness about the potential risks associated with prolonged sitting has led many individuals and companies to seek out alternatives like standing desks. 

New Jersey Companies Embracing Change 

In recent years, numerous New Jersey-based companies have started incorporating standing desks into their office spaces. Businesses of all kinds, from tech to healthcare, finance, and education, have embraced the idea of offering ergonomic choices for their staff. 

Growing Demand for Quality Office Furniture Solutions 

The increasing popularity of standing desks has created a surge in demand for quality office furniture solutions in New Jersey. At PTI Office Furniture, we offer a wide range of new and used standing desks to meet the needs of individuals and businesses alike. Our inventory includes various types, such as adjustable-height desks, sit-stand desks, crank-style desks, and electric-powered options. 

As more people become aware of the benefits associated with using standing desks at company or home offices throughout NJ - it's no surprise that these ergonomic alternatives are quickly becoming a staple within modern office spaces. 

The trend of using standing desks in New Jersey is gaining traction, with individuals searching for methods to enhance their well-being while still being efficient. With this increased interest comes an even greater need to understand how to properly set up a standing desk in your workspace. 

 Key Takeaway:  

Standing desks are gaining popularity in New Jersey due to their health benefits and convenience. Many companies, such as tech firms, healthcare providers, and educational institutions, have begun to embrace standing desks in their office settings due to the health benefits and convenience they offer. The increasing demand for quality office furniture solutions has created a surge in the availability of new and used standing desks at PTI Office Furniture. 

How to Set Up a Standing Desk in Your Workspace 

Setting up a standing desk in your workspace is essential for ensuring maximum comfort and productivity. The following steps will guide you through the process of setting up your standing desk correctly: 

By following these steps, you will create a comfortable and efficient workspace with your new standing desk. Remember to make adjustments as needed over time to maintain optimal ergonomics. 

Implementing a stationary workstation can be an effective and straightforward way to enhance productivity. To make the most of this ergonomic solution, it's important to understand how to use a standing desk properly. 

Key Takeaway:  

To set up a standing desk, determine the ideal height by aligning it with your elbows and selecting an appropriate location. Organize necessary equipment, position monitors at eye level or slightly below to avoid neck strain, manage cables neatly under desks, use anti-fatigue mats for comfort, and add ergonomic accessories as needed. 

Tips for Using a Standing Desk Properly 

To ensure maximum comfort and reap the full benefits of using a standing desk, it is important to follow some essential tips. These will help you maintain proper posture, avoid discomfort or fatigue, and promote overall well-being while working at your standing desk. 

1. Adjust the Height Correctly 

Make sure that your standing desk is adjusted to the correct height. When typing, your elbows should be bent to an angle of ninety degrees and your wrists ought to remain flat and relaxed. The top of your computer screen should be at eye level or slightly below so that you don't strain your neck by looking up or down. 

2. Wear Comfortable Shoes 

Wearing comfortable shoes with good arch support can make all the difference when using a standing desk. Avoid high heels or flat-soled shoes as they can lead to foot pain and poor posture over time. 

3. Use an Anti-Fatigue Mat 

An anti-fatigue mat provides cushioning for your feet and legs while standing for long periods of time. This helps reduce pressure on joints, improve circulation, and prevent leg fatigue. 

More Tips: 

Incorporating these tips into your daily routine will help ensure that you use your standing desk properly and experience its full range of benefits. Remember that finding the right balance between sitting and standing is key - listen to your body's signals and adjust accordingly for optimal comfort and productivity. 

By following these tips, you can ensure that your standing desk is used safely and correctly. Different types of standing desks are available with varying features - it's important to consider all factors before selecting one for your needs. 

Key Takeaway:  

To use a standing desk properly, adjust the height correctly, wear comfortable shoes, and use an anti-fatigue mat. Maintain proper posture by standing tall with your shoulders back and taking regular breaks to prevent stiffness. Incorporate movement into your workday for optimal comfort and productivity. 

Different Types of Standing Desks and How to Choose the Right One for Your Needs 

With the increasing popularity of standing desks in New Jersey, it's essential to understand the various types available on the market. Each type offers unique features that cater to different needs and preferences.  

Adjustable-Height Desks 

Adjustable-height desks are a versatile option that allows users to easily switch between sitting and standing positions throughout their workday. These desks can be adjusted manually or electronically with just a push of a button. Electric-powered adjustable-height desks come equipped with electric motors for easy adjustments at just the push of a button. Different sizes, models, and costs make these desks ideal for any kind of workspace.   

Sit-Stand Desks 

A sit-stand desk, also known as a converter or riser, is an attachment placed on top of an existing desk surface that enables users to adjust their workstation height quickly. This cost-effective solution is perfect for those who want to try out a standing desk without investing in entirely new furniture. 

Crank-Style Desks 

Crank-style desks feature manual adjustment mechanisms using hand cranks located at either side of the table frame. While these models may require more effort than electronic alternatives when adjusting heights, they offer affordability and reliability due to fewer moving parts prone to malfunctioning over time. 

Treadmill Desks 

For those looking to incorporate more movement into their workday, treadmill desks combine a standing desk with a treadmill base. Users can walk at slow speeds while working on their computers or taking phone calls. Keep in mind that these desks may require more space and maintenance than other options. 

Choosing the Right Standing Desk for Your Needs 

Evaluate your workspace: Consider the available space in your office and whether you need additional storage or surface area for equipment like monitors, keyboards, and mice. 

Taking these factors into account will help ensure that you select the best standing desk option tailored to meet both your needs and those of your employees. A well-chosen standing desk can greatly enhance productivity levels while promoting overall health benefits within any New Jersey workplace or home office setting. 

Key Takeaway:  

The article discusses various types of standing desks available in New Jersey, including adjustable-height desks, sit-stand desks, crank-style desks, and treadmill desks. It provides guidance on choosing the right desk based on workspace evaluation, budget considerations, ergonomics prioritization, adjustability mechanisms selection, and warranty coverage inquiry. A well-chosen standing desk can enhance productivity levels while promoting overall health benefits within any workplace setting. 


In conclusion, standing desks have become increasingly popular in recent years due to growing awareness of the potential health risks associated with prolonged sitting. Although there may be advantages to utilizing a standing desk, like greater posture and heightened vigor, one should reflect on the disadvantages prior to investing in one. When choosing a standing desk, it is important to consider factors such as adjustability and stability. 

If you're looking for high-quality new or used furniture in New Jersey, check out the PTI Office Furniture website today. Our selection of office furniture includes standing desks that can help improve your overall health and productivity. You can also visit our store to learn more about our products and services.