Premixed Turbulent Flames Workshops

The Premixed Turbulent Flame (PTF) Workshop is a biennial gathering of international researchers whose aim is to advance understanding of turbulent premixed combustion physics.  A critical motivational factor for pursuing such understanding is the current climate emergency.  Namely, research efforts enabling power production and propulsion systems to operate with a premixed mode of combustion, particularly with carbon-free fuels, have great potential for reducing negative impacts to our environment.  Thus, such studies are central to the PTF Workshop’s mission.  Additionally, studies focusing on understanding fires and explosions, particularly for increasing safety, are strongly encouraged to participate in the workshop.

Research to understand fundamental physics of turbulent premixed flames may involve either experimental or computational efforts; however, studies that combine both approaches to address key knowledge gaps are encouraged.  Furthermore, work that focuses on advancing the state-of-the-art of tools used to facilitate such studies are of critical interest. Current objectives include (but are not limited to):

From 2022, the organising committee will be

On behalf of the PTF community, we thank Jim Driscoll, Ömer Gülder and Friedrich Dinkelacker for their efforts over the years organising previous workshops.