July 23rd
11:00 / 11:40 Stefano Berardi (University of Torino, Italy) - Classical system of Martin-Löf ’s inductive definitions is not equivalent to cyclic proofs
11:40 / 12:20 Peter Schuster (University of Verona, Italy) - What it really needs to be conservative
12:20 / 13:00 Sara Negri (University of Genoa, Italy) - Second order well-behaved
14:30 / 15:10 Andre Scedrov (University of Pennsylvania, USA) - Adventures in subexponential non-associative non-commutative linear logic
15:10 / 15:50 Paolo Pistone (Université Lyon 1/ENS Lyon, France) - Tropical mathematics and the lambda-calculus
15:50 / 16:30 Stefano Guerrini (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, France) - Some remarks on the PAM and its extensions
17:00 / 17:30 Thomas Seiller (CNRS, France) - What is an algorithm?
July 24th
11:30 / 12:10 Alberto Naibo (Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, France) - Proofs and algorithms: some philosophical considerations
12:10 / 12:50 Elaine Pimentel (University College London, United Kingdom) - On semantic perspectives for linear logic
14:30 / 15:10 Clément Aubert (Augusta University, USA) - Applying implicit computational complexity
15:10 / 15:50 Patrick Baillot (CNRS, Université de Lille, France) - A Kleene algebra with tests for union bound reasoning about probabilistic programs
15:50 / 16:30 Peter Selinger (Dalhousie University, Canada) - Towards an induction principle for nested data types