Pioneer Technology & Arts Academy/Fate

Blueprint Benchmark 3

Strategic Alliances

Strategic partnerships with business and industry partners and IHEs are formally articulated in writing and clearly define a variety of careers.

PTAA PTECH will implement and meet requirements based on the pathways to be offered to students. These include pathways to an associates degree, postsecondary certificate provided by an IHE, or industry certification.

PTAA will develop, sign and execute a memoranda of understanding (MOU) that clearly defines the roles and responsibilities of a strong partnership with business and/or industry partners to provide:

  • a detailed plan for work-based-learning experiences for students appropriate to each grade level, such as facility visits, guest speakers, presentations, career information, job shadowing, internships, externships and apprenticeships
  • Clear roles and responsibilities for worksite supervisors, mentors, teachers, support personnel, and other partners
  • Career mentoring with industry/business partners
  • Support for students' activities, such as clubs, Career and Technical Student Organizations, competitions and special initiatives
  • Course path and program monitoring

PTAA shall develop, sign, and execute an articulation agreement with an IHE that includes:

  • Curriculum Alignment
  • Instructional Materials
  • Courses of study, which enables students to combine high school courses and college-level courses to earn either an associates degree, postsecondary certificate provided by an IHE or industry certification
  • Student enrollment and attendance
  • Grading periods and policies
  • Administration of statewide assessments under TEC Subchapter B, Chapter 39
  • Policies for advising students on transferability of all college credit offered and earned and ensuring the IHE transcripts college credit earned through dual credit in the same semester that credit is earned

Strategic Partners Types of School Partnerships

Strategic Partners PTAA.pdf
Types of School Partnerships (1).pdf

Richland College Articulation Agreement University of Texas Arlington MOU

IHE MOU FATE Campus.pdf

Microsoft TEALS MOU Sigma MOU Harditech MOU

Microsoft Memorandum of Understanding TEALS School Joint Engagement Rockwall County.pdf
Harditech MOU.pdf