Pioneer Technology & Arts Academy/Greenville

Blueprint Benchmark 5

Work-Based Learning

PTAA PTECH program offers our students a variety of relevant, high-skill work-based learning experiences at every grade level that responds to student interest and regional employer needs and contribute to students earning aligned industry certifications and credentials.

PTAA has implemented the following requirements:

  • Collaborate with the local workforce development board, local chamber of commerce and local workforce industry representatives to define local workforce needs
  • Have current, signed MOU with business/industry partners that are reviewed annually and clearly articulate requirements outlined in this benchmark.
  • MOU will have an agreement that regional industry or business partner will give a student who receives work-based learning first priority in interviewing for any jobs for which the student is qualified that are available upon student's completion of the program
  • Provide age level appropriate work-based learning for students including career awareness, career exploration, career preparation and career experience
  • Policies and protocols to make work-based learning a viable method for helping students meet academic standards
  • Work-based learning experiences that are well planned and properly sequenced to provide a progression of learning experiences for students, each building upon the last
  • Work-Based learning may include: facility visits, guest speakers, presentations, career information, career fairs, informational interviewing, job shadowing, internships, mentoring and apprenticeships
  • PTAA shall ensure students: understand the connection between their work-based learning and academics; provide opportunities to reflect on their work experiences; demonstrate their learning in writing, portfolio, presentation, digital or by other means; provide opportunities for career building skills such as interview skills and resume writing
  • Allow for demonstration of enrichment and extracurricular opportunities, such as clubs, career and technical student organizations, competitions, and special initiatives

Christus Health The Henry Group


2019-2020 PTAA/Greenville WBL Calendar

Mesquite Oates WBL Calendar 2019-2020

PTAA/Greenville Work Based Learning Experiences K-11 Tracking Sheet

PTAA Greenville WBL_Career Activity Log 2019_20.pdf
Greenville Elementary Career Readiness Experiences Tracking

Student Artifact Samples

Regional Demand Occupation Lists

PTAA Mesquite High Demand Occupation List.pdf