Dr Manish Borasi

Best Psychiatrist in Bhopal: Dr Manish Borasi

Each one of us feels sad and upset at different levels of life. When you notice that this sadness is lasting longer than usual, or is more extreme then you might ask yourself that am I depressed? The answer to this question isn't a clear cut; this is because the symptoms of depression may differ from a person to another. But this is a question that is worth considering, as it may affect your functioning in day to day life. If you find out that you are suffering from depression, then you must always seek depression treatment in Bhopal before it becomes too late.

How does sadness differ from depression?

There are a number of events in one's life that mean trigger the feelings of melancholy, hopelessness and detachment. Some of the examples of events which may lead to sadness in an individual are death of a loved one, losing of job or end of an intimate relationship. In these situations, it is natural for individual to grieve. According to a study, sadness is caused by painful life events which differ from depression in a few ways, which are:

· Whenever an individual is grieving, they usually feel a mix of sad as well as happy emotions.

· An individual can grieve for a longer period of time, but it doesn't remain for more than one month.

· In the state of grieving, an individual can maintain the sense of self-assurance and confidence.

How can you identify signs of depression?

Depression is one of the serious mental illnesses which effect and individuals emotions, thoughts, body, physical wellbeing and ability to carry different tasks. This illness has become more common as it's affecting every 3 adults out of 5 every year. Because of the fact that it's common doesn't mean that it isn't serious. Whether you find out that your depression is mild or severe, you should always consider depression treatment in Bhopal so as to get rid of it as soon as possible.

· Changes in mood that is changes in the feelings of sadness

· Decreased appetite

· Inability to enjoy activities that an individual once did

· Heightened fatigue

· Trouble sleeping or sleeping excessively

· Weight loss or noticeable weight gain

· Difficulty in thinking clearly

· Feelings of low-self esteem

· Hopelessness

· Suicidal ideation

According to Dr. Manish Borasi, one of the best Psychiatrists in Bhopal, these are some of the signs that an individual might be facing with depression. It is vital that you recognize these signs and take action so as to prevent it.







































Effective Treatment in Bhopal to Cure Depression

Depression is termed as a mood disorder and also it may be described as the feelings of loss or anger or sadness which interrupt an individual’s day-to-day activities. People experiences depression dissimilarly and it may interfere with everyday activities, low productivity, and lost time. Also, it can influence relationships and some unending health conditions. Conditions that can get worse because of it are- obesity, arthritis, diabetes, asthma, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. It’s crucial to realize that feeling down at times is normal and upsetting and sad event happens to all. However, if you are feeling down or completely hopeless regularly, you are dealing with depression. If it’s really so, you must go for a consultation with the right Psychiatrist in Bhopal.

Depression symptoms-

Depression can be more than a constant state of feeling down or sadness. Main depression can cause ranges of symptoms some influence the mood and others have an effect on the body. Symptoms may come and go or maybe ongoing. The depression symptoms can be differently experienced among men, women, and children.

Men may experience symptoms like-

· Mood- anger, irritability, restlessness

· Emotional health- sad, emptiness, hopeless

· Sexual interest- lack of sexual wants and performance

· Sleeping pattern- restless sleep, excessive sleep, no sleep

· Physical health- pain, fatigue, digestive troubles

Women may experience symptoms-

· Mood- irritability

· Emotional health- hopeless, sadness, emptiness

· Sleeping pattern- difficulty in sleep, no sleep, an early wakeup

· Physical health- Low energy, aches, headaches, pain, weight changes, etc

Children may experience symptoms-

Mood - anger, mood changes, crying

Emotional health - intense sadness, crying, incompetence feeling

Sleep pattern - excessive sleeping or difficulty in sleeping

Physical health - digestive issues, weight gain/loss

Natural depression treatment psychiatric specialist may recommend-

Being depressed can make to feel helpless. In addition to medication and therapy, a Psychiatrist in Bhopal may recommend some natural depression treatment that could help you to feel better.

Get back to the schedule - If you are depressed, you need a schedule. Sadness can take away the structure from your life. Setting an unruffled everyday schedule can assist you to be back on the right track.

Eat healthily - There’s no magic diet that fixes the depression. It is a good idea to watch what you eat. If depression tends to make you eat more, getting in control of your eating will help you to feel alright. Food with folic acid and omega-3 fatty acids helps to ease depression.


If you or your partner or children are expiring depression, it's good to get the right Depression treatment in Bhopal before it becomes harder to control.

6 Effective Tips for Stress Relief

In 2020, the whole world was a sadder, angrier, worried, and stressed-out place than it has been in past few years. While the Coronavirus is a major contributor to it but it is not the sole reason. Our stress levels had increased progressively. Stress relief is vital for our emotional well-being and our mental health. But what you can do about it? How you can reduce stress? This is a comprehensive guide on how to relieve stress which includes tips and techniques to practice.

These stress relieving tips are recommended by the best psychiatrist in Bhopal who has already helped and is helping people of different ages.

· Focus on Your Breathing: Breathing exercises are excellent stress relievers. These allow you to detach yourself from a stressful environment and gain complete control over your emotions and thoughts. If you find yourself in a stressful situation, then do give a try to breathing techniques. You can take help from breath work apps as we can guide you throughout your breathing exercises.

· Take A Walk: Going to work is an effective way of reducing stress. Even if you take out just 15 minutes from your hectic schedule to walk, it will help you in taking your attention off of stressful situations.

· Mindfulness and Meditation: Science has already proved to us how beneficial practicing mindfulness meditation can be and still we don't involve this in our life. Sad isn't it? Meditation involves deep breathing which improves your mindfulness by shifting your thoughts away from past or worries and allows you to participate in the present.

· Exercise: Nothing can beat exercise when we talk about stress relief. Maintaining your physical well-being can keep your body and mind in the best condition. Additionally, physical activities can give your body a boost of endorphins. You can get involved in the new exercise region from the comfort of your own house.

· Practice Gratitude: Are you grateful for something? A recent study has cleared that buy practicing gratitude regularly can help your brain in seeking out positive aspects of life. By focusing on positivity, you can alleviate stress easily.

· Seek Professional Help: A trained psychiatrist can help in reducing and coping with stress in your life. You can even go for treatment for stress management in Bhopal as it can help you in gaining full control over your stress levels. So, if you feel that your stress levels are growing out of control, then you must not hesitate in seeking professional help even if you are a tight schedule. Remember that your mental health is the most important thing that you need to care about.

Dr. Manish Borasi is a leading & most trusted psychiatrist in Bhopal, MP. He is highly experienced and talented mental health counselor with very high success rate.