Best Online Psychiatrist 77037

Finding The Best Online Psychiatrist 77037

Are you ready to book an appointment with a psychiatrist? You are not the only one. Finding a mental health specialist is often the greatest obstacle to people seeking help.

There are many resources available online, in your local community, or through a primary doctor that can point you in the right direction.

Before you begin, it is important to note that psychiatrists are not the same as other mental health professionals. They can prescribe medication as a licensed doctor, which is not the case with licensed psychologists or other therapists.

While some psychiatrists are only qualified to manage medication, others provide comprehensive services.


Diagnoses of mental health conditions

Management and prescribing medication


They often have greater experience with psychiatric conditions.

These tips will help you continue your research.

This is where you should start when searching for a psychiatrist

Ask your general practitioner or another healthcare provider.

It's a good idea for first-time inquiries about mental health to speak with your doctor if you have one. You may be able to find a psychiatrist they recommend, or help you locate one.

You can check out community clinics

A community mental health center may have a patient coordinator who can help you. We have more information below about how to find these resources.

You can find psychiatrists that specialize in the areas they focus on.

It is important to look for a psychiatrist who specializes in the condition or concern that you are seeking treatment for.

You may find it helpful to seek out a psychiatrist with similar backgrounds or who can talk about your views.

Tips from a psychiatrist

Dr. Ashley Toutounchi is an adult psychiatrist at AuraMD.

It is also a good idea for patients to inquire about the type of therapy that psychiatrists offer. Dr. Toutounchi stated that there are a number of evidence-based therapies that can be used worldwide to help individuals with a variety of psychiatric issues. These therapies include:

Cognitive-behavioral Therapy (CBT).

Interpersonal therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

How to find a psychiatrist when you aren't insured

Dr. Toutounchi says that if you are uninsured, the first thing to do is to contact a representative of the National Alliance on Mental Illness. They can help you locate affordable mental healthcare in your locality.

She also suggests contacting the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, which can be a reliable resource to help you find affordable mental health care and psychiatrists and therapists that accept Medicaid.

Many regions have health clinics that are federally funded, which you can also visit or call.

Dr. Toutounchi also mentioned that the National Association of Charitable and Free Clinics is another resource.

She added that some academic and teaching institutions offer discounts for different forms of treatment, including pharmacotherapy or psychotherapy.

Dr. Toutounchi recommended that veterans check out Give an Hour. This national nonprofit provides confidential and free mental health care to veterans and their families.

You might also consider contacting a church or religious center. Sometimes, they offer groups or sessions of therapy for free.

Ask about how many sessions are covered by your employer's employee assistance program.

How to find a psychiatrist using your insurance

Many health insurance policies cover mental health treatment. First, review the plan benefits to determine if you are covered for behavioral health.

Next, determine what is actually covered. Next, determine:

How many sessions are covered?

The coverage percentage

In-network vs out-of-network cost

Referring a primary care physician is required

There are a few ways you can find a psychiatrist depending on your insurance.

You can also call your insurance benefits office to inquire about providers in your local area if you don't already have one. You should be able to find a list with preferred providers who accept your insurance.

Call the office if you are thinking of a psychiatrist to inquire if they accept your insurance.

The Department of Health and Human Services has an up-to-date questions-and-answers page about mental health services and health insurance, Medicaid, and Medicare.

How to locate a psychiatrist

Locators online allow you to find a therapist near you. These are some resources to help you get started.

American Psychiatric Association


Healthline's FindCare

Psychology Today


Teletherapy is an option for those who are interested in online therapy. This allows you access therapy from anywhere you are, provided you have an internet connection or data service.

These are some resources that will help you get started in teletherapy.




Doctor on Demand




How to find a good family psychiatrist and child psychiatrist

Adult psychiatrists are trained in general psychiatry but also have additional training that focuses on adult mental health.

They can diagnose mental health issues and prescribe medication.

You might also consider a child psychologist, marriage and family therapist, if you have difficulty finding an adult psychiatrist in your local area. They are also qualified to work with families and children.

How to find a psychiatrist who is good for treating depression

Mental health specialists are trained to treat specific conditions and provide the best therapy. Ask about their treatment methods if you are looking for help with depression.

Some of the most common forms of psychotherapy for depression are:

Behavioral therapy


Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Interpersonal therapy

A therapeutic alliance is one of the most important aspects in a depression prognosis.

He explained that therapeutic alliance is basically how you get along with your psychiatrist and "click".

There are some objective factors to consider when selecting a psychiatrist for treatment of depression.

You can see their reviews online. Be cautious, as bad reviews can sometimes be written without rhyme or reason. However, that consistently negative reviews could be a red flag.

Ask a friend or family member who is familiar with the situation. A friend or family member who has worked with psychiatrists can offer a recommendation based on their experience.

Look for a psychiatrist that combines medication and therapy. You need to look for a psychiatrist who enjoys both medication management and therapy. She said, "This is a sign that they have an excellent, caring personality. You will most likely have a good therapeutic alliance."

How do you determine if a psychiatrist is a right fit for you?

Meeting with a psychiatrist will be the only way to determine if they are a good fit for you.

She said, "Sometimes a psychiatrist may look great on paper but when they meet you, they are just not the right fit for you."

But, sometimes the reverse can be true. A psychiatrist may look great on paper, but feel like a good fit when they meet.

You can only do the best thing: Find someone you like on paper and then go to meet them in person.

Dr. Toutounchi stated that "you should feel valued and heard by your psychiatrist and feel comfortable sharing your concerns and feedback." According to Dr. Toutounchi, this could be a case in which medication doesn't work for you. The psychiatrist would need to receive feedback from you and make the necessary adjustments.

Look for a psychiatrist who is able to relate to and understand your perspective.

Signs that it is time to switch providers include:

Doesn't listen

doesn't give good advice

Is incompetent, rude, or arrogant.

These are some suggestions and tips to make the most of your time working with a therapist.

How to get the most out of your sessions

Take your time. Don't feel pressured to stay the course if you don't like your therapist. This is all about you. You need to find a mental healthcare professional that meets your needs. After a few sessions, if the connection doesn't hold, it may be time to look for another psychiatrist.

It is important to share your preferences early. Dr. Toutounchi advised that you communicate your preferences early on in the process to ensure a good match and a strong therapeutic relationship. Some people want their psychiatrists to be more engaged, while others prefer them to be quieter and listen.

Open and honest. Dr. Toutounchi encourages patients to talk about their emotions and needs. She said that therapists and psychiatrists can offer more personalized care if they are able to learn about each patient's goals and needs.

Not all licensed mental health professionals are psychiatrists. You have the option to work with a therapist that is not a doctor if psychiatrists don't suit your needs. Counselors, family, and marriage therapists are some examples. If you have a specific mental health condition, your primary care physician will be responsible for managing the medication.


It may take time to find a good psychiatrist or therapist.

Ask your doctor or trusted friend for a recommendation.

You can search online to find psychiatrist near you. For more information about coverage, consult your insurance company.

A psychiatrist or mental health specialist can help you to address concerns about your mental and/or emotional well-being.