PSU has a bright future ahead, but we need to act to secure it.

Portland State University has a bright future. By working together, we can create a healthy, stable university community that is supportive of students, faculty and staff. A bright future for PSU requires investing in a significant expansion of positions in key areas such as Human Resources, Financial Aid, the CARE Team, and Academic and Career Advising. It will require actions that will reverse the outward flow of faculty and staff and increase student recruitment and retention.

Photo Credit: César Augusto

Remarks to the PSU Board of Trustees by Dr. Óscar Fernández, June 22, 2023

Buenos días. Good morning. Thank you for the opportunity to address you today. My name is Dr. Óscar Fernández. I am a faculty member in University Studies. I started working at Portland State University in 2003; I have had the honor to work at PSU for about 20 springs. 20 springs! Veinte primaveras. Also, I have been a faculty member at Portland Community College-Rock Creek and a visiting associate professor at Reed College. I currently serve as VP of Membership and Organizing for PSU-AAUP. I self-identify as a bilingual, queer immigrant scholar from the beautiful country of Costa Rica. And although I celebrate “Happy Pride” this June 22nd, I am painfully aware that our national LGBTQI lives and futures are at risk. However, my remarks today concern students’ academic lives and futures at our Portland State University.  Read more...

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