
ALA Graphic Novel & Comics Round Table

First responder to protect freedom of expression. Provides direct intervention for people and groups facing censorship in their communities.

ALA Toolkit

Selection and Policy Toolkit. Links to basic components, library mission, selection policy, reconsideration procedures as well as support and challenge resources. Navigate to additional resources from the left menu.

Freedom Fighters #FReadom

"We are committed to highlighting the positive work of librarians, to speak up in support of authors and students, and to provide professional resources for librarians, teachers or authors facing book challenges."

Human Rights Campaign Foundation

"The Human Rights Campaign envisions a world where every member of the LGBTQ+ family has the freedom to live their truth without fear, and with equality under the law. We empower our 3 million members and supporters to mobilize against attacks on the most marginalized people in our community."

Intellectual Freedom Round Table (IFRT)

ALA Roundtable for Intellectual Freedom (Some resources require ALA membership)

NCAC (National Coalition Against Censorship): A Handbook for Educators

18 page handbook for educators. First responder to protect freedom of expression. Provides direct intervention for people and groups facing censorship in their communities.

NCAC School Book Challenge Resource Center

National Coalition Against Censorship -" We promote freedom of thought and inquiry and oppose censorship. When controversy occurs, we encourage and facilitate dialogue between divergent voices and perspectives, including those that have historically been silenced."

PEN America: Online Harassment Field Manual

"Whether you’re experiencing or witnessing online abuse, this Field Manual offers concrete strategies for how to defend yourself and others."

PFLAG Fighting Censorship

Take action against LGBTQ+ censorship

Unite Against Book Bans Toolkit

Initiative of ALA. Includes links: Talking Points, Grassroots organizing, Media, etc.