I am new to Smartsheet so I could really use your help. I have created a request/intake form for our team. As requests come in, multiple people are assigned to each. I want to be able to view each assigned person's queue in the Card view. However, I am only able to see View by Status of the request (in progress or closed). How can I also View by Assigned? I am struggling to add different viewing options in the Cards.

Thank you so much. The problem is that I am not able to get anything else but "View by Status". There is no other dropdown available for other views. I am not sure how to set it up so that I can get other views.

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I ran into the same issue where I could only view by status. If you un-check the "Allow multiple contacts per cell" for the "Assigned To" column properties, then "Assigned To" now shows up as an option to view by.

When you are assigning multiple people to a task, you will not be able to see "Assigned to" in Card view section. You need to un-check "Allow multiple contact per cell" on the "assigned to" column, and assign single resource (not multiple) to tasks. then it works.

I used the "flush queue", fed that into a string array indicator, and into an auto-indexed for loop which rebuilds the queue. This worked well to view the queue in real time and troubleshoot the source and timing of extra or missing elements.

I tried using Get Queue Status on multiple occasions, the array indicator always shows up blank when the program is running. I am passing strings as queue elements, could that have something to do with it?

I'm using the Audible app on my phone running Android 10. Viewing "Library," "All," "Downloaded." Tapping on the three vertical dots on the right of any particular book, I can then tap on "Play Next" to add that book to my queue. But I don't see any way to view my queue. What am I missing? Can anyone tell me how to view the queue I've created? Thanks.

To open the Queues Activity Summary view and see real-time statistics for all queues at the same time, click Performance > Workspace > Queues Activity. This view updates in real time. If the data does not appear to update in real time, click Refresh  to resync the view.

Customize the Queues Activity Summary view to show only certain data. For example, you can choose to show only certain columns or filter to see certain types of interactions. Your customizations remain as you leave and return to a view. You can also save your filter and column settings as a saved view to switch between different data of interest in the same view.

To enter names of queues you want to view, click the Filter queue(s) search icon . Enter the name of the queue and select the queue from the search results. You can continue to enter and select additional queues to add to the view.

To populate the summary row above the queue rows to see aggregate metrics for multiple queues, search for and select multiple queues. The summary row then shows aggregate metrics for the selected queues.

Note: The summary row can populate aggregate data for up to 50 queues at once. Due to technical limitations, Genesys Cloud does not display aggregate data for user routing statuses in the summary row. Instead, those columns display N/A.

The average amount of time an interaction waits in queue before an agent answers it. This metric does not include interactions that agents do not answer. ASA is directly associated with the service level and provides insight into the customer service your company provides. ASA is recorded in the interval in which the agent answered the interaction.

The percentage of offered interactions in which the customer disconnected before connecting with an agent. The abandon rate can identify queues that require extra staff to handle interactions in a timely manner.

Flow-outs are interactions that enter and leave a queue without getting answered by an agent and without getting disconnected. Flow-outs are an indication of customer service level and queue productivity. High numbers of flow-outs can indicate staffing issues or ineffective agents when used with high handle times (bullseye matching metrics).

Flow-outs can include transfers to voicemail, callbacks, and any system-driven events such as in-queue flows that transfer to another queue or external party after a certain amount of time. Flow-outs can also occur if the caller opts to exit out of the queue and return to the IVR. Offered interactions are either flow-out, answered, or abandoned interactions.

Note: In the skill group row, the Service Level target displays a -. To view individual queue service level target values for each queue, click the + to expand the row.

Admins can also choose to include flow-outs in the calculation. For more information, see Configure the service level calculation. If you include flow-outs, the service level calculation is: (Number of answered interactions - number of answered interactions that miss the service level target) / (Number of answered interactions + number of abandoned interactions+ number of flow-outs)*100

Note: Any interactions that leave a queue without an agent handling or transferring the interaction, including callbacks, count as flow-outs. Callbacks do not count as answered within service level, even if the callback was offered before the Service Level Target was reached.

A measurement of the number of interactions an agent answered in one queue and then transferred. A transfer counts for the queue in which an agent answers the interaction. This measurement is calculated by the number of interactions blind transferred or consult transferred.

Off Queue represents the number of agents that are off queue for a specific queue. These agents are in another status, such as Available, Busy, or Meeting. Agents in the Out of Office and Offline statuses are not included in this number.

In both the summary and detail views, user statuses and routing statuses sometimes add up to more than the total number of agents in the queue. This situation arises when agents change their user status while working with interactions.

The information in the Queues Activity Detail view updates in real time. The agent Activate and Deactivate prevent the auto page refresh. When you activate or deactivate an agent, to update the Agent list, click Refresh  at the top of the page.

Notes:Calls that are part of the callback appear as a separate interaction from the callback. These interactions appear as two separate interactions.The Queues Activity Detail view is based on real-time statistics. The active callback interactions are available for 14 days.A consult with two agents appears as two separate interactions.The Waiting list and Interacting lists show a maximum of 100 interactions per media type across both lists. If a media type has more than 100 interactions, then the lists display only 50 interactions for that media type. The Updated time stamp, at the bottom of the agent panel, indicates the last time the list of agents updated, before applying a filter or clicking Refresh .Manage access to Queue Activity detail view based on division permissionsYou can manage access to the Queue Activity detail view based on the division permissions of the user. You can restrict the managers and team leads from viewing the agent detail or performance information in the Queue Activity detail view. For example, if you have permission for division 1 and division 2 alone, then you can view the detail or performance information of the agent belonging only to division 1 and division 2 alone. You cannot view the agent detail or performance information of other divisions. The details of the agents belonging to other divisions are blurred out.

To show only certain data, customize the Queues Activity Detail view. For example, you can choose to show only certain columns or filter to see agents in certain statuses. Your customizations remain as you leave and return to a view. You can also save your customizations as a saved view to switch between different data of interest in the same view.

Note: If you re-sort the Waiting and Interacting lists by duration, different interactions appear depending on the number of interactions of a media type in the list. For example, if a queue has 140 waiting chats and you sort the list to see the longest waiting interactions, the Waiting list displays the 50 longest waiting chat interactions. If you re-sort to see the shortest waiting interactions, then the list displays the 50 shortest waiting chat interactions.

Manually assign a waiting interaction in a queue to an on-queue agentFrom the Queues Activity Detail view, in the Waiting list, find the interactions waiting in the queue.For a waiting interaction, select the moremenu beside the interaction.On the menu, select Assign to Other.In the search box, begin typing the on-queue agent's name. As you enter a name, agent names are displayed in the search results.Select the agent's name. For an agent to assign a waiting interaction to themselfFrom the Queues Activity Detail view, in the Waiting list, find the interactions waiting in the queue.For a waiting interaction, select the moremenu beside the interaction.On the menu, select Assign to Self.  e24fc04721

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