How to register for a MySchools account /Middle School help

We invite you to register for an NYC Schools Account, which provides you a new way of accessing key information about your child’s progress. With your NYC Schools Account, you will be able to view your child's information in one of ten languages on a computer, phone or tablet.

You can register for your account from any computer or internet-connected device by following these steps:

1. Visit and select the “Create Account” link found on the login page.

2. Enter your child’s 9-digit student ID number. You can find your child’s ID number on their report card. If you do not have your child’s ID number, contact your child’s school.

3. Enter the unique Account Creation Code, which is specific to you and your child-(Call Ms. Ayala to get your creation code)

4. Select “Next.”

5. Enter and confirm your email address and password.

6. Select “Create Account.

Register to attend the virtual information session for 5th grade parents on January 20th (Bronx families)

How to register for a NYC Schools Account

Create a NYC Student Account ( NYCSA) Today!

Please sign up for a NYC Schools Account (NYCSA). You will need the Account Creation Code listed on the Authorization letter sent to you.

With NYCSA, you can access your child’s grades, test scores, schedules, transportation information, and more.

¡Cree una cuenta de estudiante de NYC (NYCSA) hoy!

Regístrese para obtener una cuenta de NYC Schools (NYCSA). Necesitará el Código de creación de cuenta que se indica en la carta de autorización que se le envió.

Con NYCSA, puede acceder a las calificaciones de su hijo, puntajes de exámenes, horarios, información de transporte y más.

قم بإنشاء حساب طالب NYC (NYCSA) اليوم!

يرجى التسجيل للحصول على حساب مدارس مدينة نيويورك (NYCSA). ستحتاج إلى رمز إنشاء الحساب المدرج في خطاب التفويض المرسل إليك.مع NYCSA ، يمكنك الوصول إلى درجات طفلك ، ونتائج الاختبارات ، والجداول الزمنية ، ومعلومات النقل ، والمزيد.

For more information, please contact,

Ms. Ayala

Parent Coordinator
