Desperate Measures

Stop the Cult from recruiting the whole town before its too late. The Cult Leader may recruit one player each night, but when the Cult Leader dies the entire Cult Faction will die with them. Cult will win when they reach 50% of the living players no matter what. Serial Killer will win if it is in a 1v1 with the Cult. Any player who is recruited will turn into a Vanilla Cult and will reveal as "Cult". You will not know a recruited players original role when they die.

  • Cult Leader can recruit one player per night

  • SK wins a 1v1

  • When the cult leader dies, the whole faction does

  • Culted players reveal as cult without their original role being known

11: Cult Leader, Recruitment Immune Serial Killer, Vigilante, Private Investigator, 7x Vanilla Townie