Bestest Idea

The best idea! Discards are off for this theme (/mafia ideadiscards off). Without knowing what everybody got rid of, will you be able to deduce who scum is? Or will they be able to slip away?


  1. Vanilla Townie

  2. Vanilla Townie

  3. Vanilla Townie

  4. Vanilla Townie

  5. Vanilla Townie

  6. Vanilla Townie

  7. Vanilla Townie

  8. Vanilla Townie

  9. Vanilla Townie

  10. Vanilla Townie

  11. Cop

  12. Cop

  13. Seer

  14. Seer

  15. Conspiracy Theorist

  16. Conspiracy Theorist

  17. Miller

  18. Hirsute Townie

  19. Tentacled Townie

  20. Doctor

  21. Roleblocker

  22. Jailkeeper

  23. Doctor Rolestopper

  24. Jack-Of-All-Trades(1.0-cop/doc/roleblocker-all one shot)

  25. Motion Detector

  26. Vigilante

  27. Universal Backup

  28. Mayor

  29. Treestump

  30. Supersaint

  31. Mason

  32. Mason

  33. Monk

  34. Monk

  35. Lover

  36. Lover

  37. Friendly Neighbor Lover

  38. Enabler

  39. Persona Non Grata

  40. Vengeful townie

  41. Universal miller

  42. Bloodhound

  43. Watcher

  44. Tracker

  45. One shot Kingmaker

  46. One shot Gladiator

  47. One shot Commuter

  48. Fruit Vendor

  49. Parrot Role

  50. Vanilla Cop

  51. Babysitter

  52. Bomb

  53. Gunsmith(investigation)

  54. Ascetic

  55. Priest

  56. Actor

  57. One shot Paranoid Gun Owner

  58. One shot Neighborizer

  59. Rolestopper

  60. Reloader

  61. Cop-Of-All-Trades(cop/seer/ct/fbiagent-all one shot)

  62. Bus Driver

  63. Singer

  64. Mafia Goon

  65. Mafia Goon

  66. Mafia Goon

  67. Mafia Hirsute Goon

  68. Mafia Seer

  69. Mafia Godfather

  70. Mafia Strongman

  71. Mafia Rolestopper

  72. Mafia Monk

  73. Mafia Lover

  74. Werewolf

  75. Werewolf

  76. Werewolf

  77. Werewolf Miller

  78. Werewolf Cop

  79. Alpha Werewolf

  80. Ninja Werewolf

  81. Werewolf Mason

  82. Werewolf Lover

  83. Werewolf Wereparrot

  84. Alien Bloodsucker

  85. Alien Compulsive Doctor

  86. Bulletproof Alien Lover

  87. Bulletproof Alien Lover

  88. Alien Jack-Of-All-Trades(OS Silencer OS Vanillarizer OS Redirector)

  89. Alien Silencer

  90. Alien Roleblocker

  91. Condemner

  92. Condemner

  93. Serial Killer(2shot bulletproof)

  94. Serial Killer(2shot bulletproof)

  95. Arsonist(immune to Serial Killer kills)

Notes about this theme:
1. Rolestopper does not stop kills

2. -Arsonist kills occur at the beginning of the next night and bypass doctors and bombs and bulletproofs but not if the arsonist is Roleblocked

3. If condemer's target dies, they become Survivor

4. Vote based roles are disabled in 3pl.

List of full notes can be found: