Micromorphic Interview

GTS: How are you?

Micro: Good, u?

GTS: I'm doing alright myself. How did you first find the Mafia room?

Micro: I follow my irl friend into maf where we were just room surfing and having a lot of fun on PS

GTS: What made you stay?

Micro: this game reminded me of town of salem so I decided to stick around

GTS: Is/Are there any member(s) you look(ed) up to?

Micro: PKQ because he's the best mafia player ever

GTS: Right.... What's your favorite mafia role?

Micro: Probably Roleblocker or Vigilante

GTS: What about your favorite theme?

Micro: I like Deathnommy the best. I like creating town pools and it's the best theme to make one in, plus nightless nilla is great.

GTS: Do you have a favorite mafia memory?

Micro: That one game when I was partners with DaWolfKid and KitKatKK2 in dn was my favorite game ever. I wish they would come back.

GTS: I agree. We could always use some returning users. What's your favorite part about Mafia?

Micro: Toxic players are my least favorite part of mafia by far

GTS: Understandable. Is there any background behind your name?

Micro: I forgot if there was one oops. I remember going through usernames I used across different websites until I found a name color I liked tho so that's why I use micromorphic on ps/disc but I can't remember how I came up with this name

GTS: Cool, cool. Who on PS would you ship yourself with :eyes:

Micro: no

GTS: Good answer. Do you prefer hosting or playing and why?

Micro: I prefer hosting when I'm tired and playing when I feel like it. Overall probably playing.

GTS: What's your favorite Pokemon?

Micro: I like Mega Gallade the most. The entire ralts evolution line is amazing tho

GTS: When did you join the Mafia room?

Micro: May 2019

GTS: Do you have advice for new users?

Micro: Don't be toxic pls i beg

GTS: I thought that was directed at me first lmao. Which player do you admire the most?

Micro: Probably the ROs here. Being a part of the staff team has allowed me to see everything that happens on the inside here and the ROs here have been able to function the room effectively and were good leaders. Seeing all the chats lets me know everything here so I can hope to be a good RO here as well

GTS: Interesting. What are your thoughts on auth hate?

Micro: always fails because I still never get voted LOOOOL continue clowning @auth haters

GTS: kek What are your thoughts on RVS?

Micro: RVS is pretty cool ngl it outs scum early

GTS: What about thoughts on OMGUS

Micro: this is what I do to alex because he sucks

GTS: Agreed. Are you better at Mafia or town?

Micro: prob mafia

GTS: What do you prefer though, Mafia or town?

Micro: probably town

GTS: What's your job irl?

Micro: none atm. Used to work at a Walmart tho

GTS: What's your favorite animal?

Micro: Penguins

GTS: Penguins are cute. Do you like being staff?

Micro: I do and i hope to continue

GTS: What are necessary attributes to being promoted?

Micro: Don't be an asshole, don't break the rules and know how to host

GTS: Seems pretty simple. What theme(s) do you dislike?

Micro: I dislike senpai because it's bad.

GTS: But that's already banned :thinking: What roles do you dislike?

Micro: I dislike tourist because it's bad.

GTS: What is your biggest contribution to the room?

Micro: idek man what have I done. MCD and awards ig. I contribute a lot of smiles every day (:

GTS: Smiles are important. What's your favorite battling genre?

Micro: rands def

GTS: What do you think of the current state of the room?

Micro: the current room state definitely could be better

GTS: What are you hoping for the future of the room?

Micro: I hope we can grow as a room and become a less toxic place

GTS: Yeah. Is there any particular moment you're proud of?

Micro: I'm proud of not being a clown

GTS: What are your thoughts on forums?

Micro: They are fun :)

GTS: Do you like pineapples on pizza?

Micro: no

GTS: Intriguing. What is your favorite fruit?

Micro: Apple

GTS: Simple. Is there any mechanic you'd add to mafia that doesn't already exist that you think could be interesting?

Micro: if I were going to have one, I'd probably have put a lot of thought into it. I don't think there is one at the top of my head

GTS: Are there any changes you would like to make to mafia?

Micro: I would like to improve the overall gamestate while I'm RO here. That's my main goal atm.

GTS: Is there anything you want to work on?

Micro: The current events we're planning for the room

GTS: And most importantly.... favorite song or musical artist?

Micro: I like baby shark by eminem

GTS: Great choice. Is there anything else you'd like to add?

Micro: yea, don't be scummy everyone

GTS: Wonderful, that concludes the interview. I hope you have a great rest of your day

Micro: u2