Alexander489 Interview

GTS: how are you?

Alex: am tired like always kek, just got back from brothers t-ball practice, helping the kids wore me out

GTS: t-ball, really works the arms and wears a person down. How'd you first find the maf room?

Alex: honestly its kind of a blurry memory, but originally i had some friends, toni and vigvig i think, invite me to the mafia room in 2017, i was in there off and on for a bit but never played more than 1 game every couple months, i didnt really commit to joining and staying til oct 2018 when OM told me he was playing official so i joined. was very similar to TOS which ive probably had over a thousand or two hours in gameplay wise. TOS was pretty much all i played in high school, so this was a perfect fit.

GTS: thats alot of hours on TOS lmao. what made you stay in the mafia room?

Alex: yeah i know i played way too much oops. i think up to like 3500 games total? was Master ELO rank wise in a previous season. as soon as I got into the groove of the mafia room i knew it would be the room i played the most probably. before that i was a survivor main. the users were super cool, and honestly made the experience a ton better. OM, moto, quax, kaif, tbz, darnell, hawkie, spiderz, ect too many people to name. was a super competitive era of mafia that i just rlly enjoyed. made so many friends in that time in the mafia room, most of them dont even play anymore its kinda sad.

GTS: well speaking of users, Is/Are there any user(s) you look(ed) up to?

Alex: yeah definitely would have to be OM. he was probably the best player in that time period especially when he got 18 mvps in like my 2nd month in the room. like i said was one of the main ppl that got me to join the room anyways, and i think everyone has a sort of competitive nature in them somewhat where they want to be the best if not better themselves. but OMs style of play was super unique and he just dominated every game especially as town.

GTS: but wasn't he caught cheating

Alex: kek

GTS: what's your fav role

Alex: p sure its known but my fav role is fruit vendor. ive tried many times to try and get it to win best role, the closest it got was when it lost to werewolf p sure, which was what OM was campaigning to win lol. fruit vendor is just such a funny meme role which just honestly makes it the best.

GTS: what about a favorite theme

Alex: My favorite theme would probably have to be Cultshot, Greater Idea, or Classic. Love the simplicity and mechanics of cultshot, never expected it to work as well as it does. GI is a classic lovable theme where you can rlly be anything you want and its the best IDEA. Classic is fun and simple and easy to play/learn for new players. Reminds me the most of classic TOS

GTS: Nice. Do you have a favorite mafia memory?

Alex: Would probably have to be the game i clutched a 1v13 in modexe as the last scum left. My partners died early, dont remember how it unfolded but I think there were some pretty good players in that game as well. This was pretty early into my mafia career.

GTS: That's alwas a great feeling to win practically solo. What's your favorite part of mafia?

Alex: My favorite part of mafia would probably have to be the community like i said, just the friends you make on here and the people you meet and play with make it easily one of the best feelings. Another big thing is the competitiveness of the room and the social game of mafia in general. I have always loved games like this where there is something to "solve".

GTS: That's interesting. What about your least favorite part?

Alex: My least favorite part about mafia would probably have to be the toxicity and the salt that comes along with the competitiveness, it drives away new players and isn't healthy for the room in general.

GTS. That's true. Whats the background behind your name?

Alex: Well Alexander is obviously my name and Alexander489 was actually a suggested username back in elementary school for Poptropica when I tried to make my username Alexander or smth iirc. ever since then its just stuck. Poptropica was goated

GTS: Poptropica was goated bro thats nostalgic. Who on PS would you ship yourself with?

Alex: No one kek

GTS: Fair answer. Do you like hosting or playing more and why

Alex: Honestly ever since I got staff I haven't been playing near as much as I did before. I would probably say hosting because I haven't really been in the mood for playing as much lately, but if you were to have asked me this same question the last 4 years I would have without a doubt said playing.

GTS: Whats ur favorite pokemon

Alex: is that even a question? Charizard.

GTS: Overrated. When did you join the Mafia room?

Alex: i was off and on in the room in 2017 like I said before, but I really didn't become a regular until Oct 2018

GTS: What advice would you give for new users?

Alex: Give mafia a chance, even if it can seem overwhelming and hard at first. you will get better at it and it will start to make more sense. Always feel free to ask a staff member if you don't understand something or need advice on playstyles.

GTS: True. What player do you admire most?

Alex: Probably the Room Owners that hold the room together. Abdel and Ayia were both huge important parts to the room as was Arby. Micro and Spiderz have done a terrific job to follow their footseps and keep the room going smoothly through UGO.

GTS: What are your thoughts on authhate?

Alex: I don't think authhates ever really applied to me, ppl just vote me for being me not for being auth

GTS: what about rvs

Alex: rvs is essential to gamestart and i think it creates great starting info


Alex: kek OMGUS is a meme

GTS: Are you better at mafia or town?

Alex: Honestly I would say mafia. It is a lot easier to play as scum than to play as town.

GTS: But do you prefer Mafia?

Alex: Yeah probably, before I probably would have said town but these days its Mafia.

GTS: Whats ur job irl

Alex: non rn, I quit to focus on school, was getting too much to try to balance both, and I'm grateful I don't need to work fulltime while I am in school.

GTS: That's very fair. Whats ur favorite animal

Alex: Definitely turtles

GTS: Do you like being staff?

Alex: ye for sure

GTS: What would you consider necessary attributes to being promoted?

Alex: maturity is definitely key. ability to host well is another big one.

GTS: What theme(s) do you dislike

Alex: 1999, pygmee, and trials. bottom 3 worst themes of all time

GTS: #justicefortrials. what about roles?

Alex: not rlly sure if I have one

GTS: hmmmm sus. Whats ur biggest contribution to the room?

Alex; not really sure if I have one tbh, maybe cultshot lol

GTS: Similarly, what do you think you bring to the room?

Alex: I don't really know what if anything I bring to the room, I just love interacting w the community and enjoying mafia as it is

GTS: Trust me Alex, you bring lots. Whats your favorite pokemon battling genre?

Alex: Hackmons Cup

GTS: Thats a fun one. What do you think of the current state of the room?

Alex: it could definitely be a lot better lol

GTS: What are you hoping for with regards to the future of the room?

Alex; new users, less toxicity, more welcoming to those new users. Less shitposting.

GTS: Hopefully summer circuit brings that in. Is there any particul moment ur proud of

Alex: I'm honest proud of how far Ive improved and come as a player

GTS: Yeah, what are your thoughts on forums?

Alex: I would rather play chat mafia but forums are ok ig

GTS: Do you like pineapple on pizza

Alex: gross

GTS: Shame. whats ur favorite fruit

Alex: Definitely kiwi

GTS: kewl. Is there any mechanic that could be interesting to add to mafia that doesn't already exist?

Alex: hmmm, im kinda bad at that kind of stuff, probably but not one I can think of

GTS: Are there any changes ud like to make to mafia

Alex: wish I could make room more enjoyable for new players

GTS: So the same, lovely. Disregarding the room though, I must ask: who is your favorite musical artist?

Alex: Three days grace, or the Red Hot Chili Peppers

GTS: Good to know. Anything else you'd like to add?

Alex: Stay frosty everyone

GTS: cool