Complex Analysis

Students are encouraged to submit assignments in Latex. In order to get started with Latex you should do the following

  1. Install Texmaker (or any other Tex editor you like). You can download Texmaker from here Texmaker download.
  2. Install MikTex, which can be downloaded here MikTex download
  3. Download the following template file template. The associated pdf looks like this pdf output
  4. Open Texmaker, then choose File -> Open then find the template file you downloaded.
  5. Proceed to edit the file. When you're done, save the file, then press F1 (at least on Windows) to produce a .pdf file (which will appear in the same folder as the original tex file). A bunch of other associated files will also appear - don't worry about these (but leave them alone).

You can find many Latex tutorials online. For example here.