I am currently a postdoc at Kings College London working in the group of Nikolay Gromov. My work focuses on quantum integrable systems and the application of techniques in this field to developing non-perturbative methods in QFT.

A full list of my papers can be found here. My three most recent ones are

  1. Determinant form of correlators in high-rank integrable spin chains via separation of variables (with N. Gromov + F. Levkovich-Maslyuk)

  2. Yang-Baxter and the boost: splitting the difference (with M. de Leeuw + C. Paletta + A. L. Retore + A. Pribytok)

  3. Classifying nearest-neighbour interactions and deformations of AdS (with M. de Leeuw + C. Paletta + A. L. Retore + A. Pribytok)

In 2017 I obtained a MSc degree in Mathematical Physics from the University of Hamburg. My thesis was supervised by Gleb Arutyunov and explored the application of the so-called master symmetry of 1+1 dimensional coset sigma models to explicit solutions of the bosonic string on AdS5 x S5.

My office at TCD is 0.2 Westland Row. I can be contacted at pryan AT maths.tcd.ie