PRP method for discogenic issues

Discogenic pain is sourced from damaged vertebral disc which in turn is damaged due to degenerative disc disease. However it might be noted that not all degenerative discs cause pain. This disease occurs naturally with age mostly after the age 60.

Non surgical methods such as pain medication and physiotherapy are employed to treat this pain. Chronic pain is severe and limits the patient’s ability to function, thus requiring surgery. Discography is employed to confirm pain that comes from a specific disc.

Lumbosacral discogenic pain results in axial low back pain and arises from facet joints, spinal muscles and ligaments. The pain which occurs due to wear and tear in the spinal disc is characterized by weakness, numbness and shooting pains in the arms and legs. Severe herniated disc in the lower back and neck might cause paralysis. It may also begin from a trauma like car accident for instance.

The spinal degeneration begins with deterioration and curvature which signifies misalignment. The weakness of ligaments and spinal muscles are followed by dehydration of spinal discs resulting in shrinking of size. The joint surfaces get roughened and mobility is reduced. Bone spurs grow and the spinal canal is narrowed. Known as spinal stenosis, this condition causes pain and numbness.

PRP or platelet rich plasma uses one’s own blood platelets minimize pain that originates from conditions such as disc bulges, degenerative disc disease and disc tears. Besides PRP method also relieves pain occurring due to arthritis of spine and treats knee, hip, shoulder, elbow and foot pain.

The platelets contain antibacterial proteins which migrate to the injury sites and release growth factors such as vascular endothelial, epidermal, transforming, platelet derived, hepatocyte, insulin like, basic fibroblast and connective tissue growth factor which enhance tissue proliferation.

PRP also has contraindications and cannot be employed for conditions such as active infection, skin disease or bleeding disorders. The method has proven themselves for as effectual treatment for musculoskeletal conditions. The endogenous healing process stimulates recruitment, proliferation and differentiation of cells that are required to be regenerated.

PRP is effective for spinal stenosis, back and neck injuries and pain, torn rotator cuffs, tennis elbow, painful tendons, muscle and ligament sprains and injuries, ankle injuries, tendinitis, carpal tunnel and osteoarthritis in hips, spine, shoulder and knees.

Dr Karunakaran, spine specialist in Chennai, is backed by 22 years expertise in spine treatment and performs PRP treatment for discogenic issues.

Blood is taken from the patients and processed to concentrate the platelets. The platelet rich blood is inserted through a syringe into the painful discs with X ray guidance. Growth factors are activated and repair the tissue. The platelet rich plasma fills and seals the tears on the exterior of the disc. The PRP treatment lasts for 30 minutes, where blood is drawn from the arm and PRP gets back into the body.

PRP has proven results since 2011 and are found beneficial in treat acute injuries, hamstring injuries, patellar tendon strain and partial patellar tendon tear. After PRP treatment one could return to routine activities but should not wash or apply lotions on treatment area for 48 hours and must avoid strenuous activities for few weeks.