Let Know Guide of Proxy Marriage Procedure in Pakistan & Nikah Registrar in Lahore By Trusted Lawyers

Proxy Marriage Procedure in Pakistan & Nikah Registrar in Lahore:

To know the best proxy marriage procedure in Pakistan and nikah registrar in Lahore please contact Jamila Law Associates. The nawtah when reciprocated after the death of the man to whom it was due becomes the property of all his heirs but, in practice; it is consumed by one of them to whom it was given after proxy marriage procedure in Pakistan and nikah registrar in Lahore.

The Right of Other Heirs is Violated:

The right of other heirs is violated and the meal served to guests is paid to a certain extent through this money. Further, if some of the heirs are minors then the property of orphans is misused apart from violation of rights of heirs. The Qur'an says about it: Surely those who devour the possessions of orphans wrongfully devour fire in their bellies. And they shall enter a blazing fire. (4:10) These warnings should desist a Muslim from observing the evil custom of nawtah, (Munaziah al Hawa P-469)


Someone insisted that if the customary give and take is done away with then it hurts the mutual relationship after proxy marriage procedure in Pakistan and nikah registrar in Lahore, Rather, never is it established that it grows love between two people, but it diminishes the love. People often give only to keep the custom alive and because they are ashamed if they do not give, besides, they stop meeting other people because in that way they will not have to give. (Malfuizat, P-208, Hasan ul Aziz, v-l P-318)


Thus, if anyone has to give a gift to someone after proxy marriage procedure in Pakistan and nikah registrar in Lahore, he should not give it as part of custom and he must wait till an occasion is over and give after some delay when there is no occasion? Even a paltry gift is pleasing when it is received unexpectedly, and love grows because of that. (Malfuzat Ashrafiyah pp-201, 210) So, let this practice end. Whatever one has to reciprocate, one may give immediately without waiting for an occasion. (Jatni Tabligh v-15 P-91) PAYING EXPENSES a learned scholar asked why is it disallowed to the side of the bridegroom or of the bride to shoulder the expenses of the wedding, etc. if it is given cheerfully. But, the point he missed is "does the bridegroom's or bride's side give it cheerfully or for fear of disgrace or out of pressure"?


there is also this wrong that the husband takes some money before marriage or the sending off of the bride to pay for proxy marriage procedure in Pakistan and nikah registrar in Lahore expenses. This is bribery and unlawful, (Islah Inqilab v-2 P-138) THE COMMAND OF SHARI'AH ON THINGS GIVEN AS PART OF CUSTOM, OUT OF SHAME OR PRESSURE

According to a Hadith:

According to a Hadith in Bayhaqi and Daraqutni: Allah's Messenger said, "Beware! Do not wrong anyone. No one's wealth is lawful without his willing consent. Some people have a misgiving. They think, "How can we pressurize anyone? Whoever gives, gives it willingly". But, we can observe that it is the converse in practice. Our Lawyers in Lahore available for services of all legal cases.