Ore bugs

Ore bugs are hostile creatures that live inside ores and roam about in the mitey caves.
Getting "Miting" will it increase the amount of these by +1. if you mine ore with a Miting III Pickaxe you'll have a chance of getting three ore bugs instead of one

Coal ore bug
HP: 8
Attack: 2
Abilities: Gives Blindness

Iron ore bug
HP: 10
Attack: 3
Abilities: Deals negative resistance and has knockback

Gold ore bug
HP: 8
Attack: 1
Abilities: gives glowing effect
Spawns in the nether wastes

Diamond ore bug
HP: 12
Attack: 5
Abilities: Gives weakness and knockback resistance

Emerald ore bug
HP: 10
Attack: 4
Abilities: Deals and resists light knockback also gives poison

Copper ore bug
HP: 8
Attack: 2
Abilities: Gives nausea

Lapis ore bug
HP: 10
Attack: 2
Abilities: 10% damage resistance and gives slowness

Redstone ore bug
HP: 12
Attack: 1
Abilities: Deals wither

Quartz ore bug
HP: 10
Attack: 4
Abilities: gives mining fatigue
Spawns in the nether wastes

Orichalcum ore bug
HP: 10
Attack: 2
Abilities: 15% damage resistance and ignores armour