The Importance of WordPress Website Security

Some people believe that WordPress security is not important. Most people only realize the importance security when their blog or website is hacked. WordPress is one of the most popular and user-friendly content management systems you will find today. This platform is also a popular target for hackers and spammers.

A recent study found that WordPress is the most popular platform for hacking websites. It's used by 9 of 10 sites. It is important to remember that WordPress is the most secure platform. Hackers won't be able to hack your website if it is well maintained and secured.

Most hackers won't attack unpopular websites. They attack WordPress websites, as 61% of all websites today are WordPress-based.

You may now be curious why your website is at high risk, despite its low traffic. Hackers often hack unpopular websites to steal data or delete files. They will use your web server to send spam email. After hacking your website they will install special software that will send spam emails. You won't even know that someone is using your server without your consent.

There is no need to be afraid. We will share some important tips with you that will help secure your WordPress site.

1. Do not buy premium plugins that are free.

You may be looking for ways to cut costs if you run your online business on a limited budget. It is understandable. It is not a good idea, however, to download premium plugins from any site they are sold. You can reinstall the plugin by visiting the official website.

Malware can be found in free plugins. You might want to purchase the plugin that you require from the official site of the service provider.

2. Protect your important files with Use.htaccess

You may have used the.htacces file if you are an experienced WordPress user. This file can have a significant impact on your website's security.

You should be familiar with.htaccess if you've never used it. This file is responsible for setting up your web server. It also contains rules that your webserver must follow in order to manage the files on your website.

This file is used to create user-friendly URLs on each page. It is also used for security-related modifications.

Below are some security-related things you can do with your WordPress website:

Block suspicious IP addresses

Deactivate directory browsing

Select IP addresses can be allowed to access wp-admin

Block bots that are not good

3. Hide your author usernames

WordPress defaults are not recommended. WordPress default usernames are well-known by almost all WordPress users. The default author username for a WordPress website is often administrator. You must change it. Hackers will find it easier to gain access to your website and its content and other features if you don't make changes.

You are fine if your website has multiple authors and none of them are the administrators. If you have a small site and you are the only administrator, you might want to create a new user for each post. You must also assign the author role to this user. This is crucial because it will ensure that the user does not have full access to your website. This means that the user should only have limited access to your website.

4. Login Page to Hide Your Site

It won't suffice if your security strategy includes hiding login pages or files. Hackers can still access your WordPress website through these elements. Hackers will find it harder to hack your website, but it will make it less difficult. If you use the right plugin, hiding your website longin page will take only a few seconds.

Hackers will be much more likely to gain unauthorized access if your WordPress login page is renamed or moved. Almost all types of attacks can be programmed. If they have a different login page, then they will need to put in more effort to attack you website.

There are many plugins available that will make your job easier. WPS Hide Login is one example.

5. Reliable Hosting Companies

Statistics show that 4 out 10 websites have been hacked because they are more vulnerable. This vulnerability can be attributed to the hosting platform. It is best to select a Best Wordpress Hosting with a high security level. Below are some features that make a great hosting service.

Malware scanning and detection suspicious files

Automated theme updates

Protection against firewalls

Word WordPress optimized

Support for the latest version of mySQL or PHP

These are just some of the important factors that will help you select the right hosting company. If you want to be safe, it is worth choosing the most reliable and popular provider.

We recommend that you read this article if you want to learn how to secure WordPress websites. If you care about your work, it is not a good idea for you to ignore security aspects of your website. Your website security is paramount.