Dilapidation Inspection Reports

Although the majority of homes in Australia are constructed in a way that will maximise their potential to stand the test of time; it’s not uncommon for materials to wear away and for potential issues to arise every so often. Dilapidation inspection reports are intended to address this exact issue; especially if a home is being built, renovated, or demolished.

Property ownership in Australia is dictated by a set of strict policies and legislation to help to ensure that all home owners are correctly covered to the very centimetre governing the edge of their property. Dilapidation reports typically take place whenever any form of work is being carried out relating to a property in specific; or to the land in which it is situated.

What do they do?

The simplest way to describe what this type of report does and how it works is by saying that its intention is to provide a source of reference for more than one party. For example, the home owner will receive a copy of the report, as well as any neighbours - just in case any disagreements or causes for concern take place in the future.

By having an inspector attend a location to evaluation a variety of factors relating to its structure, it can be possible to check for any potential issues there and then. These issues can then be noted to make sure that if any work involved takes a toll on the surrounding area; all formal documents can be referred to for help with resolving the matter.

The actual report is intended to identify the condition of a property (or plot of land) before any work is carried out, simply to provide information in the future should the need arise. If you’re planning on having your home renovated, if your plans draw close to your boundary wall, or if you simply want the peace of mind of knowing that you can draw a line under any issues that may have been present before a construction; then this type of property inspection report can be priceless.