Help! I'm recording a multitrack that has several Propellerhead Reason tracks. For some reason, last night Cakewalk started graying out Reason when I go to Insert/Rewire Device/Uncategorized/Reason. Does anyone know how to resolve this?

Saying all the above, I can understand if the iOS market may limit the ability to produce the whole project at once. It is perfectly reasonable to sell it in pieces over time and expand the project. It is not however prudent to not show clarity of purpose from the start as you are asking for us to buy into this on faith alone.

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But when i tried it on iPhone - it all changed. I really like the idea of making simple sketches on iPhone and export it to reason. Would be great in future to have at least Kong, Dr.Octorex(even just Dr.Rex, not octo) and unlimited no.of tracks to have multiple instances of Europe.

I am able to open my exported patches in Reason 10 by saving to Dropbox. I made sure the saved file had the extension .repatch. For track export I made sure the filename extension is .reason. I had to type the names in as the default name for exporting to Reason 10 or as a Reason patch is just the date and time stamp. 589ccfa754

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