Boatspeed and Propellers

Download Boatspeed and Propellers app on Apple AppStore for iOS.

Download Boatspeed and Propellers app on Google Play for Android.

The Boatspeed and Propellers app

Boatspeed and Propeller calculations for speed (knots) and pitch bases on a number of values from the user. A tool for motorboat and boat motor enthusiasts. The user inputs some own values via "sliders". It's possible to make fine adjustments via plus and minus buttons. The app will calculate speed and the raise of the boat, based on the input. These inputs about the boat and engine are needed for all calculations: Length, Weight, HorsePower, Rpm and Propeller Slip.

Future development

We envision an extensive development of the App with new releases featuring additional calculations and added functionality to help you with your propeller and boat projects. We are looking at features like saving your input and calculated values for later use. We will also add information pages about the App and the subject in general. All that and more in future versions.


We appreciate your feedback on how we can further develop this tool for all propeller fans. Please contact us at if you have feedback of any kind. Please contact us in any language of your choice. However, if needed, our answer will be in the Swedish or English language.

Boatspeed and Propellers

Main screen

Boatspeed and Propellers


Beta test program

If you would like to test new versions of the app ahead of others or just help us develop this app. You are welcome to join our Beta test teams. It is of course totally free of charge. You can apply for beta testing on the iOS or Android version. Our goal is to have the same features and functionality on both platforms. The beta test program is anonymous to us and we will not get or collet any personal information. You can also opt-out from the beta test program at any time.

Apple iOS

Apply for the iOS Beta Test program via this link. You will need to download the Testflight app from the Apple App Store to participate. All needed information is provided if you follow this link. Thank you!

Apply here: Boatspeed and Propellers - iOS Beta tester


Apply for the Android Beta Test program via this link. You will be notified automatically when new versions are available. All needed information is provided if you follow this link.Thank you!

Apply here: Boatspeed and Propellers - Android Beta tester

Disclaimer: This App is using well-known formulas within the propeller community. There are a lot of calculations, methods available and alternative ways to make similar calculations. We believe that you are familiar with what this tool has to offer and that you are able to realize when this tool is useful or not. Always consider your Propeller handbook or Propeller shop for specific guidance within this area before the purchase of Propeller related items. We don't take any responsibility for errors or wrong buying, using or mounting Propeller equipment related to the use of this App.

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