Lifting Materials

Safety Measures to Be Taken While Using Lifting Materials

Cargo handling is done using equipment, making it more efficient with less usage of labour resources. These machines and equipment are called lifting materials. In short, they can be defined as equipment used for lifting or lowering cargo or people, including accessories and attachments used for anchoring, fixing, or supporting the equipment. There is a wide range of lifting equipment and accessories that can be customised for different applications in various industries. Few examples of lifting materials are forklifts, vacuum lifts, gantries, airlift bags, cranes, mobile cranes, all-terrain cranes, etc.

Safety of equipment, cargo, and personnel is very important while using lifting materials. It is vital to have trained professionals to operate the lifting equipment to ensure proper safety guidelines are followed. A few tips for the safe use of lifting equipment are

  • Usage of Proper Lifting Materials

Always ensure that the equipment being used for lifting purposes is fit for the intended use. The equipment should be equipped with all the appropriate safety devices.

  • Equipment Integrity

The equipment used should be well maintained and subject to detailed, routine examinations for wear and tear. A thorough inspection should be done every year and if used to transport people, the equipment should be inspected every six months. A visual examination of the lifting equipment should be carried before every use. They should be tested and always be certified by proper regulatory bodies before use.

  • Lifting Loads

Before lifting any cargo, ensure that the load is secured properly and is stable. Check that the load that is being lifted does not exceed the Working Load Limit (WLL) as per the limits set for the selected equipment. WLL is the maximum weight that the equipment can lift safely. Proper measures to secure the load to the lifting materials need to be taken to ensure on lifting there are no loose parts of cargo. This check is necessary to avoid potential accidents and loss of human life.

  • Safety Equipment

Operators and workers around the lifting location should always wear appropriate personal protective equipment. Usage of safety equipment like gloves, helmets, safety vision goggles, safety shoes would ensure the safety of the workforce. Operators who are using the equipment should be in communication with the people on-site preferably through two-way radios. It is essential to recognise any blind spots while using lifting materials to avoid accidents.

  • Avoid Handing of Cargo in Poor Visibility Conditions

Poor visibility can be due to weather changes, lack of proper lighting at the worksite, bright sunlight, etc. Handling cargo in such conditions can lead to accidents or damage to the cargo.

  • Employ Trained Operators

The usage of lifting materials should be handled by properly trained operators who have the know-how to operate such types of equipments. They should ensure that their training is always up-to-date. These types of equipments are very technical and require operators who have undergone specialised training for the same.

Also Read: Choosing The Right Lifting Equipment for Your Industry Needs

By following these tips businesses would be able to handle lifting materials safely thus avoiding accidents in the long run.