Finally, if countries meet their long-term net-zero promises, global warming would be reduced to around 1.8C (1.4C to 2.6C) by 2100, though temperatures would likely peak around 1.9C in the middle of the century before declining.

Because few of these net-zero commitments are codified into law today, these reflect promises of long-term action rather than binding commitments. These net-zero promise scenarios also include 2030 commitments in their future warming projections.

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These net-zero promises are long-term commitments by countries to reach a particular goal 30-50 years in the future, when none of the leaders making these promises will still be in office. As only around a dozen of the 74 countries with net-zero commitments have actually formalised them into law, it is unclear how seriously these commitments should be taken or how likely they are to actually be achieved.

Seems pretty straightforward to me that this song is about Aerith's feeling towards Cloud. They're the so-called "star-crossed lovers" whose relationship aren't just meant to be. Cloud probably won't be able to "keep his promise" to save Aerith (womp womp) and she is well aware of her fate. Unless SE decides to do something interesting, I just don't think how things are going to be different. I'm also a sucker for chaos so if Tifa gets killed instead, I'm just going to sit back and watch the world burn.

Many times throughout the year, stories are sent to us from customers. Long narratives or short commendation, each story is shared with our Board of Directors who recognize the team or the employee with a gift for keeping their promises.

People with strong relationships rank higher in emotional intelligence and are more likely to stay loyal to their commitments. Whether the commitment is to yourself or to someone else, making a promise is a commitment that you will keep your word. It is a commitment that reinforces trust.

Actions speak louder than words. Promises are actions that affirm our love and connection with others. Whether that connection is through friendships, family or strangers, promises affirm that we want to pass on our compassion to others.

Fulfilling promises to yourself to do better or be better is just as important as following through on your promises to others. When you make a promise to yourself, you are taking the time to work towards improving your life. When we work on ourselves, it gives us the ability to better take care of others.

Promises are a vital part of building our relationships. When we follow through on our commitments with thoughtful actions, it only serves to strengthen our personal connections. Whether those connections be with friends, family, acquaintances, strangers or even yourself, making and fulfilling promises plays an important role in each of our lives. Stay devoted to your promises and watch your life flourish!

The social networking service Facebook has agreed to settle Federal Trade Commission charges that it deceived consumers by telling them they could keep their information on Facebook private, and then repeatedly allowing it to be shared and made public. The proposed settlement requires Facebook to take several steps to make sure it lives up to its promises in the future, including giving consumers clear and prominent notice and obtaining consumers' express consent before their information is shared beyond the privacy settings they have established.

The FTC's eight-count complaint against Facebook is part of the agency's ongoing effort to make sure companies live up to the privacy promises they make to American consumers. It charges that the claims that Facebook made were unfair and deceptive, and violated federal law.

"Facebook is obligated to keep the promises about privacy that it makes to its hundreds of millions of users," said Jon Leibowitz, Chairman of the FTC. "Facebook's innovation does not have to come at the expense of consumer privacy. The FTC action will ensure it will not."

George W. Bush promised tax cuts and education reform, and within the first year of his administration had delivered on both. Barack Obama promised to focus on the economy, health care and the environment. Once in office, he pushed first a massive stimulus package and then the Affordable Care Act through Congress, and he has worked with China and others in the international community on climate change, despite strong legislative opposition. As for the promises that get abandoned, many have more to do with changing circumstances than a lack of principles. (Think of Bush, an ardent free-marketeer, signing the Troubled Asset Relief Program bill during the first tremors of the Great Recession.)

In the late seventies and early eighties, I lived in Phoenix while working in the insurance industry. Those years constituted the darkest time in my marriage to my first husband, a man who died of chronic alcoholism at age 42, a year and a half after I divorced him. I often drove from appointment to appointment, wrestling with the idea of staying in my marriage or leaving it. If I left, would I be able to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table? Since those were questions with no easy answers, I often listened to music as a distraction, most especially music that spoke to where I was in life:

My personal opinion. God gives us difficulties in life to teach us, humble us, and the knowledge learned through those difficulties to pass our hard-earned wisdom on to others and to learn if you just keep moving forward, even minute to minute, you can get through anything. I learned that contentment in my life is having a sense of humor and enjoyment in the little things that happen every day that bring a smile to my face and appreciation in my heart.

AL ANON taught me the only thing I control is my behavior and my response to someone else. Their behavior is on them. Best lesson ever.

I have set watchmen upon your walls, O Jerusalem, who will never hold their peace day or night; you who [are His servants and by your prayers] put the Lord in remembrance [of His promises], keep not silence,


O Jerusalem, I have set intercessors on your walls who shall cry to God all day and all night for the fulfillment of his promises. Take no rest, all you who pray, and give God no rest until he establishes Jerusalem and makes her respected and admired throughout the earth.

Next year you want to spend $400,000 on a Deeper Learning Program. Dr. Herring, add Maupin to your list of deeper learning schools. Devote some of that money there to help them build this program up, like I was promised you would 2 years ago. Instead of hiring more folks take that money and put it into making JCPS better. Fix the issues, devote your dollars to keeping your word. We have JCPS senior classes setting up Gofundme pages to pay for senior prom, how about put some of that 400K there? I want to have a voice and choice for my daughter to attend the public school Waldorf program at Maupin Elementary.

If you look throughout the ArcGIS JS API documentation, you will see that Deferred is the return type for plenty of methods. Just look at the methods on the map. But why? A Promise is used to work with some sort of asynchronous activity. It could be using the QueryTask to make some requests that could take a few milliseconds or a couple of seconds, it's a roll of the network dice sometimes. The point being is that if we didn't use a Promise implementation to handle these asynchronous requests, your application would spend most of it's time just sitting there, frozen in fear, waiting for responses. A Promise says, "look, I promise I'll be back, one way or another I'm coming back, but keep fighting the good fight. Do you what you have to do and just wait for my triumphant return!" It's a brave little worker.

As you can see, as long as you keep returning a result in the functions used in the then method, you can chain them. For demonstration purposes, I chained it a little more than I normally would, but you can now easily distinguish what parts of the chain are doing what work. So you can add a new piece to the chain to do extra work or modify an existing chunk to fix it. Notice the otherwise method. This will capture any errors that occur. For example, try searching for CaliforniaFun and see what happens.

Over a century later, that value is still ingrained in our culture. Everyone at BankPlus makes a personal commitment to serve our customers and communities in meaningful ways. From fostering small business growth to empowering non-profits, we believe our best work enables success for the entire community. BankPlus measures the value of its promise in how many lives are changed by keeping it.

A restaurant, bakery, general store, gift shop and garden center - Shady Acres Village in Seminary, MS is a beloved stop for travelers and locals alike. After working there for years, Matthew Pierce had the opportunity to buy it. He worked with BankPlus to keep this cornerstone of the community in good hands.

I\u2019m writing to let you know that I still haven\u2019t reclaimed winter like I thought I would, and my body is revolting. Last week, when I heard that the rain was coming, I decided to fully send it and buy a mini-trampoline to keep the blood flowing on days mostly spent indoors. The benefits of rebounding are everywhere I look, which is another way of saying that the algorithm has figured out which benefits I am looking for and exactly how to bait me.

Dear reader, I need to slow down. Giving myself the flowery permission to do so wasn\u2019t enough to get me to change, and so I\u2019m thinking about the promises I\u2019ve made and how I can re-write them going forward into the new year. 17dc91bb1f

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