As the universal Church consecrated humanity, we made a manda, a promise and a prayer for the miracle that we may change the course of our actions. We must believe in the possibility of that miracle.

You are the ultimate promise keeper. Guide me today that I may make meaningful preparations to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Help me not get caught up in superficial and commercial attempts to make the coming feast about me. Instead, may I celebrate you, and all that you are in these coming days.

Promise Keeper By Miracle Francis Mp3 Download


So, the poem closes with two Christmas miracles: the cattle bowing in worship every Christmas Eve as midnight comes, and the miracle of plain, ordinary folks telling a joyous tale. Hardy closes by saying he wants the continued promise of those miracles.

This song Promise keeper by JFC is a declaration of Trust and dependency on every word ever spoken and promised to us by God! He will never let His word fail he Keeps, Secures and Defends His Promises PROMISE KEEPER!

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