Success! The Node Exporter is now exposing metrics that Prometheus can scrape, including a wide variety of system metrics further down in the output (prefixed with node_). To view those metrics (along with help and type information):

Your locally running Prometheus instance needs to be properly configured in order to access Node Exporter metrics. The following prometheus.yml example configuration file will tell the Prometheus instance to scrape, and how frequently, from the Node Exporter via localhost:9100:

Prometheus Node Exporter Download


There is a short description along with each of the metrics. You can see them if you open node exporter in browser or just curl -node-exporter:9100/metrics. You will see all the exported metrics and lines with # HELP are the description ones:

Grafana can show this help message in the editor:Prometheus (with recent experimental editor) can show it too:And this works for all metrics, not just node exporter's. If you need more technical details about those values, I recommend searching for the information in Google and man pages (if you're on Linux). Node exporter takes most of the metrics from /proc almost as-is and it is not difficult to find the details. Take for example node_memory_KReclaimable_bytes. 'Bytes' suffix is obviously the unit, node_memory is just a namespace prefix, and KReclaimable is the actual metric name. Using man -K KReclaimable will bring you to the proc(5) man page, where you can find that:

Finally, if this intention to learn more about the metrics is inspired by the desire to configure alerts for your hardware, you can skip to the last part and grab some alerts shared by the community from here:

Prometheus, Grafana, and Node Exporters are commonly used together in Kubernetes to monitor system-level application insights. These tools specifically provide node and container statistics, which allow developers to analyse real-time metrics of containers and nodes. Prometheus Node Exporter can more specifically be used to get node metrics and system-level insights.

To collect data from all the nodes within the Kubernetes cluster, you can deploy a DaemonSet. A DaemonSet allows for some (or all) pods to be scheduled and run on all nodes. The DaemonSet Controller adds a new pod to every new node that is added to the Kubernetes cluster. When a node is removed, the DaemonSet pod is garbage collected.

This configuration allows Prometheus to collect from all nodes. The annotations on the spec.template.metadata.annotations instructs Prometheus to scrape metrics. The annotations are added to all pods scheduled by the DaemonSet.

The Prometheus server deployed on Kubernetes scrapes pods, nodes, etc. based on the annotations on the pods and services. The Prometheus server can even be configured to collect metrics based on the container name within a pod, allowing the collection of metrics exposed by containers within a pod.

Prometheus Node Exporter is an essential part of any Kubernetes cluster deployment. As an environment scales, accurately monitoring nodes with each cluster becomes important to avoid high CPU, memory usage, network traffic, and disk IOPS. Avoiding bottlenecks in the virtual or physical nodes helps avoid slow-down and outages that are difficult to diagnose at a pod or container level.

Prometheus is an open source monitoring solution that consists of severalcomponents written in the Go programming language. Its main component is atime-series database for storing metrics, but there are other components such asthe exporters forcollecting data from various services, and thealertmanager whichhandles alerts.

This guide will provide information on how to install and configure Prometheusand Node Exporter on your Linuxservers. The Node Exporter is a tool that exposes a wide variety of hardware andkernel-related metrics forUnix-like systems . There is also theWindows exporter forWindows that serves an analogous purpose.

At this point, we are done with the initial preparation of the Prometheusserver. Let's go ahead and prepare the second system, which will run a NodeExporter instance. Login to the server and create a new user called nodeuser:

This file uses the YAML format, which strictly forbids tabs and requires twospaces for indentation so be careful when editing it. It contains some commentsto help you understand each setting. For example, under global settings, youcan change the default interval for scraping metrics from exporters.

The first thing to figure out is how to export useful metrics from the router. I want them in a Prometheus format to make visualization in Grafana Cloud simple. Fortunately, there are Prometheus node exporter packages available in the OpenWrt package manager.

There are other Prometheus exporter packages available, even a package of Prometheus itself if you have a router with storage and memory large enough to run the full version (in which case you could actually remote_write to Grafana Cloud directly from your router!). I chose these because I found this contributed dashboard that is preconfigured to use the metrics from this set of exporters.

Am i wrong, but the documentation explicit talks about a connection to a node exporter?

As from your description and the documentation it seems exactly like what are you looking for.

(linked the german version )

Thanks tosch, as far as I understood this, it connects to the Prometheus server and not to the node itself. The config option just define the initial data source.

Nevertheless I will have a look at the code if I find something useful.

By the way, I think the metrics you get from the Prometheus exporters are pretty much identical how Prometheus stores them. So actually the Prometheus special agent is the better source.

Example: checkmk/ at masterĀ  tribe29/checkmkĀ  GitHub

I have a similar case where we have a Sonatype Nexus application which has an API for metics. They serve a JSON format as well as a prometheus format, both are not supported right now bij CheckMK.


The prometheus format seems easier since CheckMK would already know how to handle this data format by the node export functionality, except that it needs some customization to handle the data directly.

This is useful when there is no possibility to install a CheckMK agent, but another benefit of using the prometheus data is that there are also many application specific checks in the prometheus data, for instance a license expiry check in SonarQube.


We observe that more and more applications and solutions offer their metrics in Prometheus format and there are also plenty of exporters out there to monitor all kinds of things.

As for what to monitor, the node exporter dashboard exposes nice basics stats which is was we tried to mimic with the LXD dashboard. If you want something fancier the node exported dashboard have advanced sections IIRC.

I used Prometheus and node exporter a while ago and had access to node_filesystem_* metrics to monitor disk usage but I've recently fired it up on some other servers (Ubuntu Linux) and those metrics seem to be missing.

I "inherited" old code for a server running several docker containers. Grafana and Prometheus are used to monitor stats, as well as node-exporter. Unfortunately, the node-exporter container is shown as down in Prometheus. The error message is Get " :9101/metrics": context deadline exceeded

The node-exporter container is the only one with network_mode host, the rest of the containers is in a user-defined bridge network. When I try to curl the metrics endpoint from the host machine with curl localhost:9091/metrics, it works. In the prometheus.yml, the scrape_config for node is defined as follows:

I have to get the connection between node_exporter and prometheus running and I have the feeling that the solution is most likely something simple, but I cant figure it out, as I dont really have much experience with docker networking.Any help would be appreciated!

Clarifications: The HOST_NETWORK_IP is the IP of the Open Stack Instance. However, normally, queries are routed through traefik.I am not quite sure where the exporter is listening, but it should be the default. The only change to listening in the docker-compose for the exporter is -web.listen-address=:9101.I didnt set it up to run with host networking, so I am not a 100% sure about the reasoning behind it, however from my research it seems to me that this is necessary to get metrics from the host system.

This week, we celebrate the 1.0.0 release of that exporter. In thepast years, the exporter has evolved and there have been some changes, e.g.around metric names and command-line flags. The 1.0.0 release means thatthose points are considered more stable now.

Due to the fact that Metrics are not considered as secrets in Prometheus, for along time, the way to scrape metrics over HTTPS was to use reverseproxies. Prometheus itself is well instrumented as a client but theexporters did not support TLS directly.

Note: All the TLS parameter can be changed on the fly. The Node Exporter readsthat file upon each request to generate its TLS settings. It also means that youcan renew your certificates on disk and they will be reloaded automatically.All the TLS options are documented in the exporter-toolkit github repositorypackage in Github.

From DietPi v8.0 on, you can install DietPi-Dashboard as backend only node, with does not include an own web interface. Such backend only nodes can then be accessed from another full DietPi-Dashboard frontend/web interface. Additional nodes would need to be added manually into configuration file located at:

Prometheus exporter for hardware and OS metrics. This component exposes system metrics, so they can be scraped by an external Prometheus server, which can aggregate metrics from many devices. These metrics can then be visualized through Grafana, the final piece of a very powerful monitoring stack.

Your Prometheus server needs to be configured in order to scrape Node Exporter metrics. Full configuration of the Prometheus server is outside the scope of this documentation, but here is a sample prometheus.yml file for reference: 006ab0faaa

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