
The MACS-Drill consortium gathers the expertise of researchers in two major French institutions and one start-up company.

GIPSA-lab -- CNRS (Project leader)

GIPSA-lab Grenoble is a leading laboratory in the field of Control and Systems in France. This mixed organization funded by CNRS and Grenoble INP has an internationally recognized expertise on design of robust control, stability analysis tools for delay systems and active vibration control algorithms. In this field, it organized an international benchmark on active vibration control, the results of which have been presented in a special issue of the European Journal of Control.

MINES ParisTech -- Centre Automatique et Systèmes -- ARMINES

MINES ParisTech, part of PSL Research University is one of the top-rated engineering school in France. The CAS (Center for Automatic control of Systems) is a leading center in the field of Systems & Control theory, with a large variety of applications, ranging from the automotive industry to quantum control. The expertise of CAS in the field of Oil & Gas drilling and control of multiphase flow stems from 20 years of close collaboration with oil companies and institutes.

Kelda Drilling Controls

Kelda Drilling Controls (Kelda) is a Norvegian R&D-intensive start-up company with a main mission to develop and commercialize next generation control systems for automated pressure control of drilling operations. The core of Kelda's activities are related to development advanced control systems, hydraulic modelling and system integration.