Project Team

My Kana is an Android app that aims to promote healthy eating. 

Designed and developed in Fiji for the people of Fiji, it allows users to record and monitor what they eat. My Kana shows whether your meals are balanced and healthy. 

Download My Kana from Google Play now.

The University of the South Pacific

Dr. Irene Yee Chief 

(Project Lead)

Instructional Designer, CFL

Rajneel Totaram 

(Research and App Development)


Mojito Jione

(Research and Development)

Education Technologist, CFL

Fulori Sarai 


Assistant Lecturer, School of Education

National Food and Nutrition Centre

Ateca Kama

Manager NFNC

Alvina Deo 

Senior Nutritionist

Asaeli Naika


Jowalesi Taukei

Food and Nutrition Project Officer


A special thanks to the following people for their contributions to this project and the development of the My Kana app:

Dr MGM Khan

Associate Professor in Statistics, School of Computing, Information and Mathematical Sciences, USP

Prof. Jito Vanualailai

Director, Research, Innovation and International, USP

Letila Taleimatoga

Admin Officer, Research, Innovation and International, USP