Commerce is fundamental to the success of any business. To streamline trading operations and maintain profits, the industry must focus on commerce, which deals with a lot more than just selling and buying. As the world is digitizing, eCommerce solutions are increasingly becoming common. The advent of machine learning and AI has further enhanced the effectiveness of eCommerce. While the world is moving fast, it is important to upskill ourselves to get the edge over the competitors. upGrad offers some of the best free courses for working professionals to compete in the market.

In fact, as a Commerce graduate, you will have to depend on the market as a salaried employee, a business owner, or an entrepreneur. You will have to sell your services or products to buy other services and products. In some capacity, commerce will become a part of your life.

Project Topics For Commerce Students Pdf Free Download

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The business of buying and selling is at the heart of commerce. As a student of commerce, this view of commerce would be an over-simplification. If you were to browse articles related to commerce stream or look up commerce topics for presentation, you would come across a diversity of topics. The discipline covers a multitude of subjects beyond just buying and selling activities, such as accounting, labor relations, supply chain management, and financial markets.

Whether you are taking a micro or macro-view, trade and commerce play a role in our everyday lives as members of a household, community, nation, or the world. You might pick up a newspaper article telling you about global inflation- there is commerce involved.

Further, with globalization and the advancement of technology, world commerce has transformed. And commerce as a discipline has had to evolve with these shifts and will continue to do so. For example, online shopping project topics exploring the role of digital technology and the impact of globalization on economies is one of the more popular commerce topics for presentation.

As it directly or indirectly impacts a large section of the world population, e-commerce is a notable topic of discussion amongst graduate and post-graduate students of commerce. Working on projects to find solutions to trade-related issues, and explore operational challenges, among others is an important part of their curriculum.

Given the vast pool of trending commerce project ideas, it may be difficult to choose a topic for your project. Commerce encompasses various business domains, with trade and selling being the pertinent ones. You require deep analysis and understanding to pick a topic that serves your interests and career goals. If analytics is your forte, and if you want to hone your skills, consider pursuing our business analytics certificate designed specifically for analytics aspirants.

In this article, we have compiled a list of interesting and innovative commerce project ideas to help you with your project. Irrespective of the topic you choose for your final project, you stand to gain immense knowledge and expertise to leverage exciting career opportunities.

Always choose that topic in which you have great interest. The reason being when you have interest in the subject, you will give your 100% making it more enjoyable and likely resulting in a better outcome.

Choose a project topics for commerce that fulfills academic requirements and contributes to personal and professional growth. Acquiring in-depth knowledge about a relevant topic can be valuable in your future career.

Remember that the process of selecting a project topic is iterative. You might need to refine and narrow your ideas as you gather more information and feedback. Take your time, conduct thorough research, and select a topic that aligns with your interests, skills, and academic objectives.

In any field, the end consumers are given top priority. Their choices, preferences, and demands are factors that form the basis of marketing strategies and manufacturing operations. It is evident that we are dependent on commerce to ensure this chain of processes runs smoothly.

If you are wondering what kind of commerce projects could bring you closer to your goals, here is a thought-out list of 8 projects that will not just familiarize you with the existing problems in commerce but also provide solutions. Furthermore, they will be a glowing addition to your resume and increase your chances of success in this all-encompassing field of commerce. To increase your resume weightage, doing a business-related course would be beneficial. For example, our business analytics certificate has 100+ hours of learning with case studies and live sessions aids you positive career growth.

Although outsourcing is done at various levels, if you have a clear set of goals and strategies, more often than not, it will prove to be advantageous. It is important to understand that the performance of a company and its outsourced aspects do not have a connection because it does not impact the material availability directly.

Usually, two challenges are seen: the first one being, the time challenge, where the production process is slowed down due to unavailability of material and the second, more pressing financial challenge. Through this project, you can find solutions to both challenges.

On the other hand, companies can attain their target by quoting the performance bonus in advance, thereby, stimulating employees to perform more efficiently and proactively. This project will help you comprehend how effective monetary incentives are imperative to employee satisfaction and alleviating the attrition rate in the company.

Objective: To understand the implications of outsourcing human resource functions on organizational performance. This includes finding potential benefits and analyzing how it directly impacts employee performance and thought process.

It is often observed that this leads to a disconnect in employees, which reflects in their attitudes as they then carry out assigned tasks irresponsibly. Outsourcing has also observed a high attrition rate among employees. This is especially common in the food and beverage industries, where the time-sensitive nature of commerce takes a toll on human resource professionals.

These costs include logistics, administration, salesperson salary, the lease on storefront, electricity, telephone, heating/cooling, taxes, displays, repairs and maintenance of the building. On the contrary, for a virtual office, the entailing costs include web hosting charges, shopping cart software, and distribution rates.

This accounts for much less than the expense involved with physical offices. Both functional and operational costs are affected by eCommerce. Furthermore, e-commerce also has many other unmatched benefits when compared with offline commerce methods.

Objective: To establish a co-operative movement in a working society and analyze its benefits on society members. It also evaluates various aspects of the co-operative movement that provide support to team members.

This project helps us gain an understanding of the benefits of a co-operative movement in reducing unemployment. The analysis concludes that co-operative movements support employees and their well-being in terms of education and growth, thus, every organization must adopt one.

It is recommended that since a co-operative movement encourages and supports existing employees to study further and take up training to scale their skill sets, it must be made compulsory for every establishment. To facilitate the set up of the cooperatives, the project recommends aiding organisations financially in the form of loans from the co-operative banks. Consequently, establishing co-operative banks is also deemed significantly beneficial.

This kind of society is set up in organizations to help employees save a certain percentage of their salaries. These savings will support them after their retirement and can be used as an investment. However, it is noticed that such a society does not form a consensus as the goals are not attained. With a disparity in the financials and personal contexts, this society has not been able to satisfy its members.

Objective: To understand the relationship between SMEs and insurance companies. The project also aims to understand how insurance companies contribute to the growth of SMEs. This involves studying factors that are responsible for growth and failure alike. One major aspect that this project covers is the reason that SMEs do not get their businesses insured.

This project highlights what SMEs are and how l insurance companies can prevent them from being shut down. SMEs are small and medium scale enterprises with about 5 to 10 employees in a small SME and a maximum of 50 to 100 employees in a medium-scale enterprise.

The lack of sustenance due to a blend of financial difficulties and departmental challenges is the cause of the shutdown. Therefore, insurance can step this up. If the employees feel secure, they will be motivated to work irrespective of the un-segregated organizational structure of the SMEs. The resolution for running SMEs for the long term is insurance.

Objective: To examine the frequency of transnational threats and the method by which the security is breached. Furthermore, it highlights the effects of globalisation on increased national security.

A deep analysis of this project highlights two aspects of globalization. Firstly, where there is an increased threat due to breach of security, a significant increase in business is noticed. The to and fro of trade and ease of communication, facilitated by transportation are anticipated as threats to National Security.

At the same time, this has also elevated the business to a large extent. It causes businesses to amp their security measures and streamline their services. When the pros and cons are weighed, globalization has proved to be beneficial for most sectors.

It has also brought an upsurge in the National Income of many underdeveloped countries. Secondly, globalization has also brought about a lot of awareness, stimulating consumers to buy needful products. The positive impacts on the national income of a country have significantly increased. 152ee80cbc

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