Homesteading & Land Ownership

Land Ownership Overview

Homesteading (The Start of Land Ownership

Acquiring Land

Players may lay claim to any plot of land. Plots are measured in squares of 20 feet by 20 feet, and may be used for a wide variety of uses, including building, farming, holding animals, and much, much more! To claim a plot of land, you need only ask the system, and pay a 100 Yemon fee! If the land is already owned by another player or NPC, you may attempt to claim it in a Land Dispute.

Some activities in Project Terra, such as mining or lumbering, may force you to acquire land plots in order to perform the appropriate tasks.

Land Disputes

If the land you want to claim is already owned, there are two ways in which you could try to acquire it. Please note that NPCs are also capable of initiating a Land Dispute.

Maintaining Land and Taxes

In addition to the effort and time required to maintain your land, you must also pay a 20 Yemon fee per plot of land you own on the 1st of every month. If you are unable to pay this fee in full, you must relinquish ownership of the land. You can select which land, if any, you wish to keep. The rest will be returned to its unclaimed state.

Land Plot Usage

As every plot of land is the exact same size, it’s important to keep track of what is in each plot of land you acquire. Some kinds of skills or activities, such as farming, take up space on a plot, making it unusable for any other purpose. As a general rule of thumb, below you may find a list of common usages and their plot requirements.

Land Defense

As your property grows, wild animals, monsters, and even NPC bandits may occasionally raid your property. Depending on who initiates the Raid, it will either trigger a Normal Raid Event or Player Raid Event. You must defend against these attacks, or risk having materials or land plots taken away from you. A Property is defined as any connected plots of land that are at least 50 plots away from any other land you own.