
Whats so dangerous about the Sun?

The suns' ultraviolent rays are extremly harmful to human skin. They can cause sunburns, wrinkling, hives, and puts you at risk for developing skin conditions in the future.

What are UV Rays?

UV Rays are rays of light that come from the sun as well as tanning beds.

What is the effect of UV rays on human skin?

Unprotected exposure to UV light damges the DNA in skin cells. DNA instructs cells on what to do in order to perform a function. UV light causes these cells to misunderstand there function, instead causing cells the divide a replicate frequently.

How is UV Light measured?

The UV index is used to measure the strength of UV rays in an area. UV rays are measured on a scale from 1-11, with 11 being the strongest.

How does the UV index help you protect yourself from the sun?

The UV index in an area can help you determine the types and amount of sun protection needed on a daily basis.

Where can you find the UV index for your location?

The UV index for your area can be found on weather apps, as well as on your local news station. You can also look up your location on The Weather Network .

What level of sun protection should you use for different UV light measurements?

What are somethings you can do to protect yourself from the sun?

Does the color of your skin change how the sun effects you?

Yes, naturally darker skin is less likely to get sunburned and have sun related skin issues in the future. Whereas, lighter skin tones are more likley to get burned and develop skin conditions. No matter your skin color, you should use the same level of protection when in the sun.