Project 1





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The hope of harnessing the power of atoms through nuclear fusion within terrestrial reactors has got rejuvenated in the last decade. One of the primary reasons for this momentum gain are the recent advancement in computational technology. Last two decades have seen rapid advancement in both computer hardware as well as software technology. Advanced numerical algorithms in modern computational facilities can make trustworthy predictions for plasma dynamics inside laboratory fusion reactors; and help cut cost of repeated experimental tests. 

State-of-the-art ’scalable’ numerical solvers are available for making one-on-one comparison with experimental shots. However it is the need of this hour, we generate multiple codes from scratch, across the world; to test, cross-compare and predict plasma behaviour for our national/international experimental facilities. 

New algorithms with better accuracy are gaining more visibility world-wide. Given a limited amount of computational resource, they can simulate physical phenomena for longer duration with better accuracy. For example, spectral algorithms have proven their accuracy and stability for simulation of turbulence in ocean, atmosphere as well as laboratory devices. Such algorithms have also been extensively used for simulation of fusion devices. Cross-comparison with experimental shots with NSTX-U, DIID-D, ASDEX-U tokamaks have remained successful, both for core and edge of the fusion reactors, separately. 



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