
What is Media Literacy?

One of the first activities of the project, aimed at the 75 students involved in the project, focuses on the questions

"What is media literacy?" and "Why is media literacy important?"

The aim of the session is to make students think critically and become aware of the role of media in our lives and societies.

Students reflect on "My media landscape" in order to find out how much time they spend interacting with media on a daily basis.

Students leverage Augmented Reality (AR) to enjoy an immersive experience in their learning process.

Let me introduce myself!

During the first synchronous session, the 75 students in the 3 countries, interact online to introduce themselves to their project partners, and they discuss together about the importance of media literacy. They exchange opinions, share ideas, play games together and have fun in the online environment.

Read beyond the headline!

During this session, students in the three countries, explore some of the media literacy core concepts, and learn about the various types of misleading information they can be exposed to.

Media Consumption & Production

Time for CommuniTIERS to take action! Students from Greece, Bulgaria and Romania meet online to brainstorm ideas on film making and video presentations. Together, they will create 3D videos to share experiences on their collaborative work related to the dangers of disinformation and fake news.

Augmented Reality for Media Literacy

One innovation in the project lies in the Augmented Reality affordances added to support an immersive experience in our students' learning process. Students have the chance to learn about the media literacy core concepts and different types of misleading information through personalized learning. The trigger images on their printed materials lead to infographics, auditory augmentations, videos and games.

These two videos display examples of the innovative approach.

Checking Online News

Students learn how to discern real from fake news, and what to check when they access different websites online. A hands-on activity aimed to make students aware of the importance of being informed.

Global Media and Information Literacy Week 2021

A special synchronous session for students, who had the chance not only to learn more about media literacy, but also to get closer to tertiary education. Special guests from AETMA Lab International Hellenic University, professor Avgoustos A. Tsinakos, and from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and DCN Global, professor Nikos Panagiotou.

Fact vs. Opinion

What is Fact? What is Opinion? Students learned how to make the difference between them, what to look for, then put the new pieces of information into practice by analyzing a speech delivered by Greta Thunberg at the UN Climate Action Summit 2019.

Critical Thinking and Media Literacy

During this synchronous session, students from the three countries learned how to make use of their critical thinking skills when dealing with media literacy.

Creative Digital Content

During this synchronous session, the students involved in the project had the opportunity to learn about creative digital content. They interacted with the special guest, Yanitsa Spassova, who holds a BA degree in Digital Media Arts from the University of Surrey, and who is a producer at a leading Media Communications Agency in London.

Let the Holidays Begin!

During this special session, the CommuniTIERS exchanged season's greetings, and they created a digital wall full of colors, love and mutual respect! In high cheerful spirits, they played a game challenging their knowledge on Christmas traditions!

A Moment of Joy

The Greek, Romanian and Bulgarian students involved in the project "CommuniTIES - Media Literacy in Practice", were awarded the Certificates of Achievement.