Home / Project Blogs /Naming Conventions for Swanson's BM4


Brainstorm possible naming conventions for data mapped to BM4, specifically one that is appropiate for computation/bio informatics frameworks.

Current Convention

The current naming convention in Vanessa's paper follows a specific layout/hierarchy organized as follows:

1) Case number w peptide acronym (eg. “18 016 aMCH nNOS”)

a) Peptide Acronym (ie. “aMCH”)

i) “Fibers”

ii) “Cell Bodies”

iii) Any other data layer such as “Appositions”

b) Peptide Acronym (ie. “nNOS”)

i) “Fibers”

ii) “Cell Bodies”

iii) Any other data layer such as “Appositions”

In this example, “a)” is a sublayer inside layer “1)” and so on. Layers “i)” – “iii)” contain individual vector objects of the class (eg. circles for cell bodies and paths for fibers).


They have this thing called a Locus Name attribute. Below is text I copy/pasted from the GenBank website:

The locus name (eg. SCU49845) was originally designed to help group entries with similar sequences: the first three characters usually designated the organism; the fourth and fifth characters were used to show other group designations, such as gene product; for segmented entries, the last character was one of a series of sequential integers.

BUUUT then they say

However, the 10 characters in the locus name are no longer sufficient to represent the amount of information originally intended to be contained in the locus name. The only rule now applied in assigning a locus name is that it must be unique. For example, for GenBank records that have 6-character accessions (e.g., U12345), the locus name is usually the first letter of the genus and species names, followed by the accession number. For 8-character character accessions (e.g., AF123456), the locus name is just the accession number.

So maybe what we are doing can be changed to not include peptides or anything specific, other than maybe the type of atlas being used, like "BM4 000000" where the 000000 is the accession number? Then in the metadata of the file (an svg?) would include the specifics as attributes of that file.


This still doesn't change how people are formating their Adobe illustrator stuff, the id will be more of a database thing...