Program for the 45th Meeting of the Norwegian Association for Economists

Georg Sverdrups hus, University of Oslo
8–9 January 2024

Thanks to all presenters and participants for coming to the meeting.  And welcome to next meeting at NTNU 28 and 29 November 2024.

Monday 8 January

08.30 Registration, Foyer

09.00 Welcome by Rector Svein Stølen, Auditorium 1

09.15 Plenary session: Martin B Holm (UiO): Inflation, Auditorium 1

10.15 Coffee

10.30 Contributed Sessions I

12.00 Lunch, Frederikke eatery

13.00 Contributed Sessions II

14.30 Coffee 

14.45 Invited Sessions

16.45 Adjourn

18.30 Conference dinner at Telegrafen (map), entrance from Prinsens gate

Tuesday 9 January

09.00 Plenary session Marte Strøm (ISF): Goldin’s Nobel prize, Auditorium 1

10.00 Coffee

10.15 Contributed Sessions III

12.15 Lunch, Frederikke eatery

13.15 Contributed Sessions IV

14.45 Coffee

15.00 Plenary session: Alexander Cappelen (NHH): Social preferences across the world, Auditorium 1

16.00 Adjourn

Invited Sessions: Monday 14.45–16.45

Fenella Carpena (OsloMet): Development economics, Auditorium 1

Laura Derksen (Frisch): Searching for answers: How information access affects learning and networks 

Kjetil Bjorvatn (NHH): Learning together: Experimental evidence on parental involvement in education in Uganda 

Fenella Carpena (OsloMet): Entertainment-Education for better health: Insights from a field experiment in India.

Tyra Merker (University of Amsterdam): Industrial organization, Stort møterom 

Tyra Merker (University of Amsterdam): Uniform pricing and taxes on externalities”

Marina Rybalka (SSB): How did the corona crisis affect different innovative companies?

Dora Simon (UiS): A Quantitative Analysis of Sustainable Globalization

Hilde Bjørnland (BI):  Exchange rates, Auditorium 2

Giovanni Pagliardi (BI): Political Risk Everywhere

Ivan Alfaro (BI): Production-Based Exchange Rates

Nicoló Maffei-Faccioli (Norges Bank): Lock, Stock and (Oil) Barrel: Real Exchange Rate Fundamentals and Dynamics in Resource-rich Economies

Contributed Sessions

Contributed Sessions I: Monday 10.30 – 12.00

Contributed Sessions II, Monday 13.00 – 14.30

Contributed Sessions III, Tuesday 10.15 – 12.15

Contributed Sessions IV, Tuesday 13.15 – 14.45

Contributed Papers 

The last presenter is the chair in each session.

30 minutes per presentation including discussion.

Contributed Sessions I
Monday 10.30 – 12.00

Macroeconomics I, Auditorium 1

Amund Hanson Kordt (University of Oslo): Fiscal spending multipliers: Evidence from Norway

Tim Dominik Maurer (NHH): Population Aging, Public Finances, and Alternatives for Retirement Reform

Knut-Eric Joslin (Kristiania University College): Utilization and price setting

Environmental economics, Auditorium 2

Magnus Aagaard Skeie (University of Agder): Do relative environmental measures increase evalua-bility in contingent valuation? An application to marine plastic waste clean-up

Martin Ørbeck (NMBU): Stated  preferences in tumultuous times:   Investigating environmental preferences over a five-year period controlling for Covid-19

Kine Josefine Aurland-Bredesen (NMBU): Social acceptance and the dynamic evolution of demand for CO2 storage

Families and labor supply, Stort møterom 

Karen Evelyn Hauge (Frisch Center): Offering scholarships to adult skilled workers: Evidence from a field experiment

Sigurd Mølster Galaasen (Norges Bank): Spousal Spillovers in the Labor Market: A Structural Assessment

Astrid Kunze (NHH): Expansions in Paid Parental Leave and Mothers’ Economic Progress

Political economy, Undervisningsrom 1

Christine Bangum (BI): Intra-Party Power Sharing: Theory and Evidence from Norway

Jon Fiva (BI): Sick of politics?

Colin Green (NTNU): Political Donations and the Market for Honours

Development economics, Undervisningsrom 2

Marianne Moreria-Godoy (OsloMet): The Effects of Reduced Conflict on Children's Education and Labor: Evidence from Colombia

Balasurya Sivakumar (OsloMet): The Effect of Natural Resource Shocks on Violence, Crime, and Drug Cartels Presence in Mexico

Halvor Mehlum (University of Oslo): Land Redistribution as Vote Buying

Aqua- and agriculture, Undervisningsrom 3

Arne Melchior (NUPI): Measuring the impact of EU tariffs and tariff quotas for seafood

Øyvind Hoveid (NIBIO): How high should the income of Norwegian farmers be?

Klaus Mittenzwei (Ruralis): Forslag til nye kostråd er god samfunnsøkonomi

Contributed Sessions II
Monday 13.00 – 14.30

Immigration and inequality, Auditorium 1

Anna Godøy (Frisch Center): Intergenerational earnings mobility of first-generation Scandinavians

Francesco Furlanetto (Norges Bank): Immigration and inequality: new macroeconomic evidence

Arne Wiig (Chr Michelsen Institute): Effects of information about irregular migration on transit community attitudes towards migrants

Climate economics, Auditorium 2

Maren Hedne (University of Oslo): Is technology adoption skill-biased? The case of green technological change

Stefano Ninfole (NMBU): Competition For Carbon Storage

Mads Greaker (OsloMet): International cooperation on the climate: The case for a green innovation club

Inflation and central banks, Stort møterom

Pål Ulvedal (Nord University): What drives the recent surge in inflation? The historical decomposition roller coaster.

Kristine Aunvåg Matsen (Norges Bank): The role of global supply shocks in the recent inflation surge

Erika Berle (University of Stavanger): Shaping Market Expectations: The Impact of Central Bank Communication on Yield Curve Forecasting

Empirical labor economics, Undervisningsrom 1

Sonja Kovacevic (University of Oslo): It's All About What You Learn

Harald Dale-Olsen (Institute for Social Research): Monopsony, short business cycles and the gender wage gap

Øystein Hernæs (Frisch Center): Performance Pay for Private Program Providers and Impact on Participants: A Field Experiment on Employment Service Financing

Financial economics I, Undervisningsrom 2

Bernt Arne Ødegaard (University of Stavanger): Is investment capital cheaper for green firms? Evidence from Euronext -- Oslo

Johann Reindl (OsloMet): Endogenous Limits to Arbitrage and Price Informativeness

Siri Valseth (OsloMet): Do Norges Bank's foreign exchange transactions on behalf of the "Oil fund" influence the NOK exchange rate?

Global tax evasion and The Atlas of the Offshore World, Undervisningsrom 3
Annette Alstadsæter (NMBU): How do you go from idea to realization of a big project? Introduction of the online database The Atlas of the Offshore World

Andreas Økland (NMBU): Towards a Global Real Estate Atlas: Offshore Real Estate in Selected Areas and Cities.

Johannes Scheuerer (NMBU): Pennies from Haven: Wages and Profit Shifting.

Contributed Sessions III
Tuesday 10.15 – 12.15

Behavioral economics, Auditorium 2

Sepehr Cyrusian (NTNU): What Can We Learn About Workers’ Well-being From Social Media? Evidence from 5.8 Million Tweets

Ole Christian Wasenden (Telenor): Information Avoidance and Privacy — the role of Entertaining Content

Åshild Johnsen (OsloMet): Information Nudging and Sexual Harassment Attitudes

Kjell Arne Brekke (University of Oslo): Moral Responsibility as a Driver of Polarization

Health economics, Stort møterom

Sara Abrahamsson (Norwegian Institute of Public Health): Advanced maternal age, prenatal care and health outcomes of mother and child

Eduardo Alberto Ramirez Lizardi (University of Oslo): Parental health and caregiving decisions in the family:  The effects of health shocks on adult children’s income

Henning Øien (University of Oslo): Out-of-pocket prices and rationing of care services: Evidence from price discontinuities

Bjørn-Atle Reme (Norwegian Institute of Public Health): Parental death during childhood and NEET-status as young adult

Public economics, Undervisningsrom 1

Max-Emil King (BI): The effect of meeting times on political selection and representation

Roberto Iacono (NTNU): Behavioral responses to wealth taxation: evidence from a Norwegian reform

Lars-Erik Borge (NTNU): Why do local governments favor short-term financing?

Pål Wangsness (TØI): The curious case of road pricing reform in Norway

Macro labor economics, Undervisningsrom 2

Magnus Åstebøl (Norges Bank): Unveiling Heterogeneity in Employment Trends: Insights from Norwegian Micro-data

Jonna Olsson (NHH): Who should work how much?

Gunnar Bårdsen (NTNU): US wage-price dynamics, before, during and after COVID-19, through the lens of an empirical econometric model

Drago Bergholt (Norges Bank): The Dynamics of the Labor Share in Europe

Housing economics, Undervisningsrom 3

Erlend Eide Bø (SSB): Preempting housing auctions

Espen Moen (BI): Transaction Sequencing and House Price Pressures

Guri Natalie Jordbakke (University of Oslo): How parking regulation affects the consumption of private cars – identification through a natural experiment

Erling Røed Larsen (OsloMet): Behavioral patterns in housing auctions:  Evidence from one million bids

Contributed Sessions IV
Tuesday 13.15 – 14.45

Macroeconomics II, Auditorium 2

Karin Kinnerud (BI): The Inflation Tilt Effect

Runxi Niu (NHH): Firm growth, debt and recession

Financial economics II, Stort møterom

Sondre Elstad (University of Oslo): Optimal investment in Norwegian assets when the effect of the oil price on Norwegian assets is ambiguous

Richard Foltyn (NHH): Experience-based Learning, Stock Market Participation and Portfolio Choice

Methods, Undervisningsrom 1

Trygve Leithe Svalheim (Menon Economics): KI: Betydning for arbeidsstyrken. En analyse av potensialet for kunstig intelligens-drevet effektivisering i norsk næringsliv

Eric Nævdal (Høgskulen på Vestlandet): On the optimality of recklessness in the face of adversity

Genaro Sucarrat (BI): Robust Estimation and Inference for Time-Varying Unconditional Volatility

Wages and labour costs, Undervisningsrom 2

Mirjam Wentzel (Institute for Social Research): Economic Downturns, Adjustment Costs and External Labor Utilization

Maria Hoen (Institute for Social Research): Closing the temp-worker pay gap? The effect of equal pay legslation on wages

Erling Barth (Institute for Social Research): Rent Sharing and Temporary Workers

Fisheries, Undervisningsrom 3

Alizadeh Ashrafi (NIBIO): The effect of quota portfolio composition on optimal harvest strategy and profitability in a multi-species fishery

Helge Berglann (NIBIO): Individual Transferable Quotas: the role of Flexibility and Market power

Sturla Kvamsdal (SNF): Seasonality and growth in the generalized fishery model 

Organizing Committee: Jo Thori Lind (UiO), Fredrik Wulfsberg (OsloMet), Colin Green (NTNU), and Marianne Rustand (Samfunnsøkonomene).

The meeting is sponsored by Professor Wilhelm Keilhaus Minnefond.