Pro Genix Male Enhancement - Ingredients & Side Effects

Ingredients Used in Progenix Male Enhancement?

The ingredients of Progenix Male Enhancement are all safe and some of them even have been used as an aphrodisiac for so many years:

Tongkat Ali increases your sexual stamina and boosts blood flow to your penis so you can achieve harder erections and satisfy your lady with ease

L-Arginine increases the levels of natural testosterone so that you can feel energetic throughout the day

Maca boosts libido so you can enjoy sex whenever you want and can satisfy your lady with multiple orgasms every night

Ginseng is known as a natural and powerful aphrodisiac and enhances your confidence so you can perform at your peak

All of these are safe and tested and hence are completely safe. You just need to make sure that you are not allergic to any of them before you start to take the supplement.