Research Grants


  • Jha (UNSW lead), Cybersecurity Cooperative Research Centre (CRC), 2018-2025, $140M for consortium
  • Sivaraman (CI),, Jha (CI ),Title: Lightweight security solutions for wearable healthcare sensor devicesProject ID DP150100564 ARC DISCOVERY, 2015-2017
  • Hu (CI),, Kanhere (CI),, Jha (CI), Lightweight security framework for Low-Power Wide-Area Network (LPWAN), ARC Linkage Project, 2016-2018
  • Jha (CI), Kanhere(CI), Welsh (PI), Flying Networks: Airborne Sensing for Environmental Monitoring and Disaster Response, ARC DISCOVERY, 2011-2013
  • Jha (CI), Mohapatra (PI), Multimedia Content Distribution over Multihop BroadbandWireless Network, ARC DISCOVERY, 2010-2012
  • Jha (CI), Chou (CI), Misra (PI), Sreenan (PI), Efficient Distribution of Content in Multi-Rate Multi-channel Wireless Mesh Networks , ARC DISCOVERY, 2006-2008
  • Jha , Chou and Kanhere Secure Wireless Mesh Network (Swimnet) , SITCRC, 2005-2006
  • Jha (CI), Banerjee (PI), Resilience Oriented Multicast for Real-time Multimedia, ARC DISCOVERY, 2005-2007
  • Jha , Chou et al. Wireless Infrastructure for Intelligent Environment , SITCRC, 2004
  • Jha , Programmable VPN Subproject , Smart Internet CRC , 2003
  • Hassan and Jha ,QoS in 3G-Wireless Networks , ARC-Linkage (APAI) , 2002
  • Jha , Programmable VPN Subproject , Smart Internet CRC 2001-2002
  • Jha , Seneviratne, Architecture for Next Generation Access Systems , ARC SPIRT-Large(Fujitsu),
  • Jha , Seneviratne, Architecture for Billing and Charging in Programmable Internet , ARC SPIRT APA(I)(Fujitsu Australia Software Technology),
  • Seneviratne, Jha ,Mobile Aware Server Architectures , ARC SPIRT-Large (Ericsson),


  • Lin and Jha, Taming Uncertainties in Sensor Networks, Google Research Award, 2008
  • Jha and Kanhere, Wireless Sensor Network Technologies, DSTO, 2005-2007
  • Jha, Intel IXP Education Program, (in kind IXP 2400 boards+PCs), 2004
  • Jha, Intel IXP Education Program, (in kind IXP1200 boards), 2003
  • Jha, CSIRO top-up for Phd candidate (Centie Project), 2001-2004
  • Hassan and Jha and Parameswaran, Contracted Research funds , Canon Inc, 2001-2003.
  • Jha and Hassan, Avaya Communications, (PhD topup scholarship), 2001


  • Jha, Kanhere, Sivaraman, "Flying Network for airborne sensing", Goldstar, 2010
  • Jha, Sammut et al., "Urban Search and Rescue Network", Research Infrastructure Block Grant (RIBG) , 2009.
  • Jha, "A holistic approach to WIreless Network Monitoring", Goldstar, 2008
  • Jha, Hassan et al., Infrastructure for On-Board Communication and Sensor Network Research , Research Infrastructure Block Grant (RIBG), 2006
  • Chou, Jha et al., A testbed for wireless, mobile and sensor networking , Research Infrastructure Block Grant (RIBG), 2004
  • Mukherjee and Jha ,Improving TCP performance on shared lossy channels in 3G/4G mobile wireless networks , University Research Support Program, UNSW, (2003-2005)
  • Woo, Jha , Hassan et al, HCI Laboratory , Research Infrastructure Block Grant (RIBG), 2001
  • Jha and Hassan, Alternate Architecture for Next Generation Cellular Data Network , University Research Support Program, UNSW, 2001
  • Hassan and Jha ,A New Bandwidth Management Scheme for Integrated Services over Shared LANs , University Research Support Program, UNSW, (2001), 2001
  • Jha , Heiser and Sammut, Next Generation Networks , UNSW Capital Grants, 2000
  • Jha , Active Policy Based Management of IP Virtual Private Network , ARC Small, 1999