Profitable Prophets
A Profitable Prophet is a person who has been called and equipped to share the Gospel with all of their world.
The profit is to others, as we seek first the Kingdom of God, we know that all else will be added to us.
Not all zealous saints of God are Profitable Prophets, as the transformation from Infant Bride of Christ to Profitable Prophets takes time.
Paul the ancient apostle even took time to become a Profitable Prophet. He was called as an Infant Bride of Christ on the road to Damascus, yet scripture records that he then spent three years in Egypt before beginning his public ministry,
My timeline is similar, and much later in life. I received the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost on January 26, 2017, at the age of 56, becoming an Infant Bride of Christ.
But I am only now becoming a Profitable Prophet, for after being truly Born Again, I have had to learn this new way of truly living, living for others instead of living for myself.
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