
English R101 - College Composition

Course Description

This course provides development of skills in writing, critical thinking, analytical reading, and research techniques. We will read and discuss a full-length work of nonfiction along with articles on a variety of topics.


There are three textbooks used in my English 101 class. Two of them are Open Educational Resources (OER) that are available for free online, while the third textbook will need to be purchased or rented.

Major Assignments

In my English 101 class, students complete six major assignments:

  • A personal narrative sharing a story from your life

  • A comparison and contrast of two topics of your choice

  • A rhetorical analysis of Part 1 of Angela Duckworth's book Grit evaluating her argument

  • A problem-solution argument based on Parts 2 and 3 of Duckworth's book Grit along with other class readings

  • A research project analyzing how an aspect of mass media/pop culture affects our society

  • A self-reflection at the end of the semester demonstrating what you learned

English R101S - College Composition Corequisite Support

Course Description

This course provides additional help and support for students enrolled in College Composition by providing instruction in areas of the curriculum where students tend to require more attention.

Major Assignments

In my English 101S class, students complete four types of major assignments:

  • Outlines for essays and papers written in English 101

  • Practice Works Cited pages

  • Assignment Reflections

  • Success Strategies activities on various topics, including time management, stress management, and healthy lifestyles

English R102 - Critical Thinking Through Composition & Literature

Course Description

This course provides study of literature combined with instruction in critical thinking and composition. We will read and discuss several short stories, poems, a novel, and a few plays. The assigned works represent a variety of cultures, time periods, and literary traditions.


There are two textbooks used in my English 102 class. Both of them are Open Educational Resources (OER) that are available for free online.

Major Assignments

In my English 102 class, students complete five major assignments:

  • A comparison and contrast paper about two short stories with similar themes

  • A midterm exam with a comparison and contrast essay about two poems written by the same author

  • A multimedia project summarizing and analyzing a short story or poem

  • A research paper analyzing a novel

  • A final exam with an essay analyzing a play

English R104 - English Literature I

Course Description

This course surveys English literature in its cultural framework from Anglo-Saxon times through the eighteenth century.


There are two textbooks used in my English 104 class. Both of them are Open Educational Resources (OER) that are available for free online.

Major Assignments

In my English 104 class, students complete five major assignments:

  • A character analysis paper about Beowulf

  • A theme analysis paper about a literary work from the Middle Ages

  • A midterm exam with a poetry explication essay

  • A research paper comparing and contrasting King Lear and Paradise Lost

  • A final exam with an essay developing a theme in multiple literary works from different time periods