Associate Professor
Flavia C. Delicato
Flávia C. Delicato received her PhD from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in 2005 and her Doctoral Thesis was selected as one of the six best in the year of 2005 by the Brazilian Computer Society. Since 2019 she is an Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Science at the Fluminense Federal University, Brazil where she teaches for undergraduate and post-graduate courses, and integrates the MídiaCom Research Lab. From 2006 to 2010 she was an Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, from 2006 to 2011 she was an Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Science at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro , Brazil. In 2010 and 2016 she was at the University of Sydney as a visiting researcher. She is a Level 1 Researcher Fellow of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and a Research Fellow of FAPERJ Brazilian Funding Agency. She has published 2 Books and over 200 refereed international conference and journal papers. She serves as a reviewer of several distinguished international Journals and is an Editorial Board Member of several Brazilian and International Journals. She has been participating in several research projects with funding from International and Brazilian government agencies, including CNPq, CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior), ANP (Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis ), RNP (Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa), Fundación Carolina (Spain), FAPERJ and AusAID. She integrates the Centre for Distributed and High Performance Computing from the University of Sydney ( and the INCT Web Science ( Since 2017 she is a member of the IEEE Technical Committee on Smart World – SWTC ( Her main research interests are wireless sensor networks, ubiquitous computing, Internet of Things, Fog Computing and adaptive middleware.
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Editorial Boards
ACM Computing Surveys ( )
Elsevier Ad-hoc Networks (
ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies (
Journal of Interconnection Networks (
COMPUTING, Springer (
Revista Brasileira de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos
Guest Editor
SN Computer Science (Topical Issue on Pervasive Artificial Intelligence for the Internet of Things)
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Eletronics (Special Section: Smart Data Driven Modeling for Emerging Customer Applications in Mobile Edge Computing)
Computer Networks ( - Guest Editor of the Special Issue on Pub/sub solutions for interoperable and dynamic IoT systems
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing ( - Guest Editor of the Special Issue on Distributed Intelligence at the Edge for the Future Internet of Things)
Future Generation Computer Systems ( ) - Guest Editor of the Special Issue on Smart Cyber-Physical Systems: Toward Pervasive Intelligence systems.
MDPI Information Journal - Guest Editor of the Special Issue on Smart Cyberphysical Systems and Cloud-Edge Engineering ( )
World Wide Web: Internet and Web Information Systems Journal - Guest Editor of the Special Issue on Smart computing and cyber technology for cyberization
Flávia Coimbra Delicato, Paulo F. Pires, Thaís Batista: Resource Management for Internet of Things. Springer Briefs in Computer Science, Springer 2017, ISBN 978-3-319-54246-1, pp. 1-112.
Flávia Coimbra Delicato, Paulo F. Pires, Thaís Vasconcelos Batista: Middleware Solutions for the Internet of Things. Springer Briefs in Computer Science, Springer 2013, ISBN 978-1-4471-5480-8, pp. i-x, 1-78.
Selected Publications (Journals, last 5 years)
Evandro L. C. Macedo, Flávia Coimbra Delicato, Luís F. M. de Moraes, Giancarlo Fortino: Assigning Trust to Devices in the Context of Consumer IoT Applications. IEEE Consumer Electron. Mag. 13(1): 12-21 (2024)
Evandro L. C. Macedo, Anselmo Luiz Éden Battisti, Juan Lucas Vieira, Julia Noce, Paulo F. Pires, Débora C. Muchaluat-Saade, Ana Cristina Bernardo de Oliveira, Flávia Coimbra Delicato: Distributed Auction-Based SFC Placement in a Multi-domain 5G Environment. SN Comput. Sci. 5(1): 48 (2024)
Lidia Fotia, Flávia Coimbra Delicato, Giancarlo Fortino: Trust in Edge-based Internet of Things Architectures: State of the Art and Research Challenges. ACM Comput. Surv. 55(9): 182:1-182:34 (2023)
Cleber Jorge Lira de Santana, Ernando Batista, Flávia Coimbra Delicato, Cássio V. S. Prazeres: Architecture for IoT applications based on reactive microservices: A performance evaluation. Future Gener. Comput. Syst. 145: 223-238 (2023)
Anselmo Luiz Éden Battisti, Evandro Luiz Cardoso Macedo, Marina Ivanov Pereira Josué, Hugo Barbalho, Flávia Coimbra Delicato, Débora Christina Muchaluat-Saade, Paulo F. Pires, Douglas Paulo de Mattos, Ana Cristina Bernardo de Oliveira: A Novel Strategy for VNF Placement in Edge Computing Environments. Future Internet 14(12): 361 (2022)
Egberto A. R. de Oliveira, Atslands Rego da Rocha, Marta Mattoso, Flávia Coimbra Delicato: Latency and Energy-Awareness in Data Stream Processing for Edge Based IoT Systems. J. Grid Comput. 20(3): 27 (2022)
Thiago Pereira da Silva, Aluizio Rocha Neto, Thaís Vasconcelos Batista, Flávia Coimbra Delicato, Paulo F. Pires, Frederico Lopes: Online machine learning for auto-scaling in the edge computing. Pervasive Mob. Comput. 87: 101722 (2022)
Carlos Poncinelli Filho, Elias L. Marques, Victor Chang, Leonardo dos Santos, Flávia Bernardini, Paulo F. Pires, Luiz S. Ochi, Flávia Coimbra Delicato: A Systematic Literature Review on Distributed Machine Learning in Edge Computing. Sensors 22(7): 2665 (2022)
Tiago C. S. Xavier, Flávia Coimbra Delicato, Paulo F. Pires, Cláudio L. Amorim, Wei Li, Albert Y. Zomaya: Managing Heterogeneous and Time-Sensitive IoT Applications through Collaborative and Energy-Aware Resource Allocation. ACM Trans. Internet Things 3(2): 10:1-10:28 (2022)
Thiago Pereira da Silva, Thaís Vasconcelos Batista, Frederico Lopes, Aluizio Rocha Neto, Flávia Coimbra Delicato, Paulo F. Pires, Atslands Rego da Rocha: Fog Computing Platforms for Smart City Applications: A Survey. ACM Trans. Internet Techn. 22(4): 96:1-96:32 (2022)
Anselmo Luiz Éden Battisti, Débora Christina Muchaluat-Saade, Flávia Coimbra Delicato: Enabling Internet of Media Things With Edge-Based Virtual Multimedia Sensors. IEEE Access 9: 59255-59269 (2021)
Aluizio Rocha Neto, Thiago Pereira da Silva, Thaís Batista, Flávia Coimbra Delicato, Paulo F. Pires, Frederico Lopes: Leveraging Edge Intelligence for Video Analytics in Smart City Applications. Inf. 12(1): 14 (2021)
Sumi Helal, Flávia Coimbra Delicato, Cíntia B. Margi, Satyajayant Misra, Markus Endler: Challenges and Opportunities for Data Science and Machine Learning in IoT Systems - A Timely Debate: Part 1. IEEE Internet Things Mag. 4(1): 46-52 (2021)
Sumi Helal, Flávia Coimbra Delicato, Cíntia B. Margi, Satyajayant Misra, Markus Endler: Challenges and Opportunities for Data Science and Machine Learning in IoT Systems - A Timely Debate: Part 2. IEEE Internet Things Mag. 4(2): 46-50 (2021)
Luciana E. G. Escobar, Rebecca Salles, Janio Lima, Cristiane Gea, Lais Baroni, Artur Ziviani, Paulo F. Pires, Flávia Coimbra Delicato, Rafaelli Coutinho, Laura Assis, Eduardo S. Ogasawara: Evaluating Temporal Bias in Time Series Event Detection Methods. J. Inf. Data Manag. 12(3) (2021)
Sandy Ferreira Bezerra, Sindolfo Miranda Filho, Flávia Coimbra Delicato, Atslands Rego da Rocha: Processing Complex Events in Fog-Based Internet of Things Systems for Smart Agriculture. Sensors 21(21): 7226 (2021)
Cleber Jorge Lira de Santana, Leandro José Silva Andrade, Flávia Coimbra Delicato, Cássio V. S. Prazeres: Increasing the availability of IoT applications with reactive microservices. Serv. Oriented Comput. Appl. 15(2): 109-126 (2021)
Tiago C. S. Xavier, Igor Leão dos Santos, Flávia Coimbra Delicato, Paulo F. Pires, Marcelo Pitanga Alves, Tiago Salviano Calmon, Ana C. Oliveira, Cláudio L. Amorim: Collaborative resource allocation for Cloud of Things systems. J. Netw. Comput. Appl. 159: 102592 (2020)
Igor Leão dos Santos, Luci Pirmez, Flávia Coimbra Delicato, Gabriel Martins de Oliveira Costa, Claudio M. de Farias, Samee U. Khan, Albert Y. Zomaya: Zeus: A resource allocation algorithm for the cloud of sensors. Future Generation Comp. Syst.92: 564-581 (2019)
Mauricio Moreira Neto, Atslands Rego da Rocha, Danielo Goncalves Gomes, Leonardo O. Moreira, Flávia Coimbra Delicato: PALES: A Predictive Approach for the election of semantic cluster LEaders in wireless Sensor networks. JAISE 11(4): 355-367 (2019)
Porfírio Gomes, Everton Cavalcante, Thaís Vasconcelos Batista, Chantal Taconet, Denis Conan, Sophie Chabridon, Flávia Coimbra Delicato, Paulo F. Pires: A semantic-based discovery service for the Internet of Things. J. Internet Services and Applications 10(1): 10:1-10:14 (2019)
Wei Li, Igor Leão dos Santos, Flávia Coimbra Delicato, Paulo F. Pires, Luci Pirmez, Wei Wei, Houbing Song, Albert Y. Zomaya, Samee Khan: System modelling and performance evaluation of a three-tier Cloud of Things. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 70: 104-125 (2017).
Yucen Nan, Wei Li, Wei Bao, Flávia Coimbra Delicato, Paulo F. Pires, Albert Y. Zomaya: A dynamic tradeoff data processing framework for delay-sensitive applications in Cloud of Things systems. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 112: 53-66 (2018)
Yucen Nan, Wei Li, Wei Bao, Flávia Coimbra Delicato, Paulo F. Pires, Yong Dou, Albert Y. Zomaya: Adaptive Energy-Aware Computation Offloading for Cloud of Things Systems. IEEE Access 5: 23947-23957 (2017)
PORTOCARRERO, JESÚS M.T. ; DELICATO, FLAVIA C. ; Pires, Paulo F. ; COSTA, BRUNO ; LI, WEI ; SI, WEISHENG ; Zomaya, Albert Y. . RAMSES: A new reference architecture for self-adaptive middleware in Wireless Sensor Networks. Ad Hoc Networks, v. 55, p. 3-27, 2017.
Claudio M. de Farias, Italo C. Brito, Luci Pirmez, Flávia Coimbra Delicato, Paulo F. Pires, Taniro Chacon Rodrigues, Igor Leão dos Santos, Luiz F. R. C. Carmo, Thaís Vasconcelos Batista: COMFIT: A development environment for the Internet of Things. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 75: 128-144 (2017).
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Teaching (in Portuguese)