Finding the Best Professional Resume Writer

In this recession, job candidates are often turning to professional writers for help to create their resumes to attract employers' attention. A good resume will help you get the job interview for the right job and start working sooner than expected in today's labor market. Many people find that the job search for a new job is taking longer due to certain industries such as banking, finance, real estate and other financial services. Why not consider a professionally-written resume?

Many people have found work in resume writing. They are skilled and talented. There are many different levels of quality in Resume Writers in Orlando Florida. You can find the best writer by carefully selecting them. Review their samples of work. It is a smart idea to look at their samples. To verify claims, you should also contact customers or other references. Five governing bodies in America have the authority to certify resume writers. You can check their websites to see what certification means. Some groups are more stringent than others.

Consider these things when you are considering using a professional resume-writing service:

Ø Contact trade organizations or check their websites to find certified writers in your area. CPRW (Certified Professional Resume Writer), Master Resume Writer through Career Management Alliance or certification as a Human Resource professional (Professional in Human Resources, Senior Professional in Human Resources) via the Human Resources Certification Institute are some examples.

Ø Take the time to review all resume examples. A resume maker should be able provide multiple samples. You should look for resume formats and writing styles that appeal to you and that would best represent you.

Ø Ask your peers and recruiters for recommendations on resume writers. Good writers build a reputation, and people will often be more than happy to discuss them.

Ø Request detailed references and verify them. You shouldn't expect long client lists due to confidentiality. However, there may be a few clients willing to refer you.

Ø Ask the writer whether he/she will store your resume permanently. Many people lose their resumes, and then need them at a moment's notice. It's nice to have your resume available to you for quick updates or dispatch.

Ø It is nice to have someone who will consult with you via the phone. Some resume writers don't like to talk on the telephone or need consultative skills.

Ø Your authentic self must be captured by the writer. Deceptive resumes are always a deal-breaker.

Ø The resume writer should be familiar with your profession or industry. Your resume must be realistic and grab employers' attention.

A well-written resume will be a key component of your job search. Take some time to do your research and find the best professional resume author for you.