When you think of the qualities you need for success in your nursing career, you probably think of clinical, leadership, and management skills. But another skill can't be ignored: professional etiquette, a critical link for career success.

Etiquette is more than good manners; it's a tool for cultivating good relationships. More than most careers, nursing is characterized by professional relationships among different people in numerous settings.

Professional Etiquette In Nursing Ppt Download

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Based on the guiding principles of kindness, consideration, and common sense, professional etiquette can help you form new alliances and enhance established ones. Use these seven professional etiquette tips to polish your communication skills and strengthen you relationships with patients, families, and colleagues.

Be ready to introduce colleagues to others as well. Mention the name of the person you're making the introduction to first, then say the name of the person being introduced and say something about her. Then come back to the first person and say something about her.1 Example: "Sharon, I'd like to introduce Jack Brown. Jack is our new staff nurse with two years' experience in the PACU. Jack, Sharon Jones has been our vice president of nursing since 2002."

The kindness, consideration, and common sense that characterize etiquette are also essential for nurse-to-nurse collaboration. Be polite and courteous to your colleagues, no matter how stressful the situation. When you show respect for others and make others feel valued, you contribute to effective communication and team building. Example: Greet colleagues with a smile and a "hello" when you arrive at work, and say "good-bye" when you leave. Offer to help others, and thank others for helping you. Use good manners and polite language, and avoid listening to gossip or complaining with colleagues. Participate in department events to show your colleagues that you're a part of the team.1

Although informality is a trend in many workplaces, remember that the workplace isn't your home. It may not be completely fair, but people do judge you by the way you dress. What you wear supports or detracts from your professional image and sends a clear message to others about how you see yourself and how you want to be perceived by others.

Most nurses would agree that they want to be viewed as professional, intelligent, and competent. You need to ask yourself if your appearance mirrors that image. If you dress too casually, patients may question your professionalism and attention to detail. Example: Does a nurse dressed in cartoon-print scrubs establish immediate trust, authority, and credibility? Cartoon prints may be appropriate for the pediatric surgical unit or the nursery, but nowhere else. Many patients complain that everyone in the clinical setting looks the same. This can be a safety issue if patients can't quickly identify a nurse in an emergency.

As a general guide, make sure your lab coat, scrubs, and shoes are clean and professional looking. Clothes shouldn't be too tight or scrub dresses too short. Of course, don't wear black underwear under scrubs. When your hair isn't covered by an OR cap and your hair is long, pull it up and out of your face. Other than when you are scrubbed in the OR, make certain your nametag is visible and readable.

Recently, I went to a medical center across town for an audiology consult. When I checked in, I was given a form to fill out and was told to wait until someone called my name. A woman dressed in white called my name and put out her hand. Thinking it was for a handshake, I put my hand out. However, she indicated that she'd put her hand out for the form I'd filled out. She directed me to another room, sat down, and started asking me questions. Because she never introduced herself and her nametag was turned over, I had to ask her to identify herself and describe her role in the organization. Because she ignored my handshake, she missed an important opportunity to introduce herself and present a positive professional image.

You may be familiar with the expression, don't sweat the small stuff. That advice doesn't apply to the clinical setting-sweat the small stuff!! Small things make a big difference. In fact, a recent editorial in The New England Journal of Medicine noted that good manners are at the heart of the mission of service-related professions and the finer points of patient care should be based on good manners.5 Many healthcare facilities are adopting policies to ensure more positive and professional interactions with patients. Here are some guidelines for professional encounters in all types of clinical settings.

Exercising professional etiquette doesn't take a lot of time or effort, so make it part of your everyday practice. Professional etiquette isn't optional for personal and professional success; it's the critical link for coming across as a polished, confident, professional nurse.

1. Reference letters are a must! Yes, you may be new to reference letters but all professionals use them. It gives employers a sense of your character and how well you were received by others in your profession. A great recommendation from an esteemed individual in the community could be your "golden ticket"

Thanks for the response! Because I am new to professional job seeking, I am very likely to make mistakes. #3 is based on the recommendation of what other nurses have told me. In 2 different cases I was graciously given a letter of recommendation and told that I may edit if needed. And by edit I mean in addressing the specific organization or position sought. I would definitely prefer not to edit them as is as I am applying to several different hospitals, and that would be time consuming. Valid arguments, good advice. Thanks :)

While I think it's a good idea to review potential interview questions & contemplate answers, it's also important to be yourself & not appear rehearsed. Also, I have been offered numerous nursing positions throughout my career, & I have never had to furnish a letter of recommendation, even for management positions. See link below for a resource I've used in the past with success. Good luck with your job search! Interview Questions - Read Potential Interview Questions | Monster

Thanks for the response! I love seeing the different opinions. Which is so important because this is a complex, sometimes difficult new area for me. There are so many "shoulds" and "should nots" that I was never aware of or taught. As a first generation college grad, and from a family where no one has a professional career, I struggle with these things.

This highly anticipated, fully revised, and expanded third edition of Etiquette & Communication Strategies for Nurses will prepare nurses to handle awkward and challenging situations, increase their confidence, enhance their reputation, and help them focus on their career aspirations. Using a conversational Q&A format, author Kathleen D. Pagana provides readers with the tools they need to become polished, confident professionals. New to the third edition are chapters about planning effective presentations, writing expert-level articles, and using leadership strategies to achieve goals..

The author has also created material downloads, such as a Knowledge Quiz and a Top Tips document to support the use of this book in classroom and professional settings. These downloads are available for free at

Healthcare professionals engage with a wide range of people. Thus, maintaining professional etiquette is important. Etiquettes are more than just good manners for a healthcare professional. They also involve building trustworthy relationships with clients, co-workers, and superiors. These abilities are essential for portraying oneself as polished, self-assured, responsible, and professional and help one stand out as well as progress in their field.

According to some studies, most clients or co-workers complain about a healthcare professional because of their unprofessional attitude or behaviour. Professional etiquettes are necessary for career progress, yet most healthcare employees lack a basic understanding of them. It is important to remember that manners are required to instil confidence in patients and foster a pleasant mindset among co-workers.

Making a personal introduction and sharing information about yourself might help patients feel more comfortable with their healthcare professional. Try to make eye contact, smile, and, most importantly, greet them with an enthusiastic voice. This might encourage patients and others to confide in you about their needs.

A proper dress code is important for every healthcare professional. If you want to leave a good impression and draw positive attention, your outfit should be neatly ironed, well-fitting, and radiate confidence. For a good personality, maintain personal hygiene, use moderate deodorant, and wear clean shoes. Additionally, always wear name badges above the shirt pockets for better visibility. In a nutshell, refrain from wearing unprofessional attire, such as tight-fitting clothing, capris, low-cut blouses or dresses, T-shirts, etc.

As a healthcare provider, you should recognise that each client has the inherent right to hold their own thoughts, perspectives, values, and beliefs. The patient has the right to advise the healthcare professional regarding adherence to the recommended therapy or rehabilitation procedure. Any given treatment may be accepted or rejected by the patient.

Healthcare professionals require professional manners and ethics to build strong human relationships. These manners can be identified as a way for medical professional interacts with patients in various settings.

At CUTM, we work to inculcate these values in all of our learners so that they grow in their ability to lead, make better decisions, and have a beneficial influence on society. Our goal is to prepare our students to handle all types of patients with professionalism and respect by making soft skills a required subject in addition to technical education for all healthcare-related courses. 2351a5e196


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