Subodh ,Vedija & Aashika

The emphasis of this course is on developing a thorough understanding of craft and design as well as material attributes. This helped us explore the design process: Thinking, doing, prototyping, and iteration. It started with figuring out the joineries and searching for material which holds the durability and strength of the structure .

Joinery of 4 connector

Joinery of 6 connector

One piece of skewer is not very strong. But if you use lots of pieces you can build a strong structure. Each piece takes a little of the weight – structure and of whatever you place on top.

The method began with the construction of structures using the same unit, and it explored how the repetition of similar units produces geometry and helps in the stability of those structures.

Utilizing sticks and wall tubes, we initially worked on smaller structures

Three of us would create a digital 3D model.

Prototyping and iterations would be the following stage to make it more durable. Begin by experimenting with materials. Is a long piece of skewers more useful than a short one? What sort of shapes can you make? What can you do with the squares and triangles you have made? Why Triangles are a Strong Shape? The answer to this question is -A triangle has three sides and, if these are fixed in length, there is only one configuration they can be in. There is no flexibility or freedom.

Let’s look at how a triangle transfers a force.

When a force (the load) is applied to one of the corners of a triangle, it is distributed down each side. The two sides of the triangle are squeezed. Another word for this squeezing is compression. The third side of the triangle is pulled, or stretched sideways. Another word for this stretching is tension.

While designing and building a structure one has to consider the forces that will be acting on the structure, you should think about:


If the force applied on a body tends to elongate it, then the force is called a tensile force and the body is said to be under tension.


If the force applied on a body tends to decrease its length then the force is called a compressive force and the body is said to be under compression.


If the external force acting on a piece of material tends to slide one layer of the material over the adjacent layer, then the force is called a shear force.


The moment which causes twisting of a member is called torsion or twisting moment or torque.

Here are smaller modules we same up with -

The initial structures were built with fixed units, such as 12 cm skewers, and the stability was improved by using the same units repeatedly. We used skewers with sizes of 24 cm, 12 cm, and 6 cm to further our exploration and determine whether changing the length would affect the strength of the structure.

Our few structures provide as examples of symmetry. Building symmetrical structures is done so Symmetry helps bind various elements of a structure together into a single, unified whole. It is also commonly used to create a sense of rational order In architecture, symmetry is portrayed as a balanced distribution and arrangement of various components of a structure . It makes the structure aesthetically pleasing.

We experimented with the structure's height up to roughly 5 feet, going from smaller modules to bigger ones after we switched to PVC tubes and rubber cycle tubes. To test whether a change in material would affect the structural stability, we first built a small unit pyramid. The use of PVC pipes, which were light enough and the elastic qualities of rubber tube made it easier to build, resulted in a pyramid that was sturdy enough to stand on its own.

After developing these modules, we considered how this play may be used to create something useful.