Brucella melitensis biovar 1 was isolated from bovine milk samples from a herd in central Kenya, and Brucella abortus biovar 3 was isolated from aborted fetus materials and vaginal discharge fluids from cattle in central and eastern provinces of Kenya. All infections including those with B. melitensis were in cattle with reproductive problems kept in mixed herds indicating that cross infection occurs from small ruminants. Multiple-locus variable-number tandem repeat analysis genotyping revealed a close molecular homology of the B. melitensis isolates with an isolate from Israel and a close homology of the B. abortus isolates with an isolate from Uganda indicating that these genotypes have a wide geographic distribution. Infection of cattle with B. melitensis may complicate the control of brucellosis in this country.

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Zaradi prevleke s trajno elastino sintetino smolo prod ne izpua niesar v vodo, je odporen na zdravila in CO2. Prod lahko uporabite samostojno ali kot barvni poudarek, barve lahko meate ali pa jih uporabite eno poleg druge in se poigrate z razlinimi granulacijami... Vaa domiljija nima meja.

Barvni prod za akvarij Olibetta poleg dekorativne funkcije pozitivno vpliva tudi na bioloko ravnovesje, saj deluje kot naravni bioloki filter. Njegova zaobljena oblika zagotavlja, da se vai prebivalci akvarija ne morejo pokodovati. Razline granulacije so priporoljive za obiajne skupne akvarije in e posebej za veje akvarijske ivali z aktivnim metabolizmom.

Na barvni prod je prevleen s plastiko, zato ga lahko pred uporabo le na kratko in hladno operemo, da odstranimo odrgnine, ki jih povzroi transport. Proda ne smemo izpirati vroega ali segreti nad temperaturo akvarija.

For a television producer, every program has its own unique challenges andobstacles. "World in the Balance" was no exception. Some programs I've workedon have been logistical nightmares. I have taken crews to remote places, andthen the equipment has failed. I've tried to shoot aerials from a plane, andthe weather has been bad for two weeks. And how about this one: I've returnedhome after a shoot to find that a third of the footage had a serious shake init due to a screw loose in the camera. Each program is fraught with problemsthat producers always seem to be able to fix ... in the end.

I started phoning organizations involved in reproductive health programs andpopulation policy, institutions from the World Bank to local Kenyan churches. Iasked them, "What are the most important issues you're working on?" It wasn'tlong before I started hearing the same answer over and over again. In Africa,it's difficult to separate reproductive health from the HIV/AIDS story.Reproductive health programs could slow the spread of AIDS, and poor youngwomen desperately need services to protect themselves from the epidemic.

I arrived in Nairobi on a Monday at 9:00 a.m., tired from traveling for 17hours but eager to get going. I had meetings set up in the afternoon with twoKenyan women who were experts in HIV/AIDS and reproductive health. These womenwould be instrumental in setting up meetings with local organizations. I wouldalso finally meet Zippy.

University of Washington computer scientists, with a grant from the Seattle-based Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, will develop, test and deploy new technological solutions to make financial products more available to the lowest-income people around the world.

It is inevitable that the transformative process described by Klare will unsettle long and well-established rules, systems, and practices. Thus, this project argues that such radical changes in the constitutional order are highly likely to destabilise otherwise settled areas of tax law and long-established administrative practices. Radical social change is likely to produce tension between the desire to uphold the supremacy of the transformative constitution, and the desire to maintain the stability of well-developed and established tax rules, policies, systems, and administrative practices. e24fc04721


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