Proceedings of the Symposia on Commutative Algebra in Japan

☆ Recent five years (the 40th --  43rd meetings) ---> login required

☆ The 40th meeting (Hayama, 2018PDF

☆ The 39th meeting (RIMS, Kyoto, 2017) the symposium site

☆ The 38th meeting (Hayama, 2016)  PDF

The 37th meeting (Kurashiki, 2015PDF

The 36th meeting (Hayama, 2014PDF

The 35th meeting (RIMS, Kyoto, 2013FOLDER

The 34th meeting (Hayama, 2012PDF 

The 33rd meeting (Hamamatsu, 2011PDF

The 32nd meeting (Hayama, 2010PDF

The 31st meeting (Osaka, 2009PDF

The 1st--30th meetings   lzh archive file

The 30th meeting (Karatsu, 2008PDF

The 29th meeting (Nagoya, 2007PDF

The 28th meeting (Tama, 2006PDF

The 27th meeting (Toyama, 2005PDF

The 26th meeting (Kurashiki, 2004PDF

The 25th meeting (Tama, 2003PDF

The 24th meeting (Osaka, 2002PDF

The 23rd meeting (Kurashiki, 2001PDF

The 22nd meeting (Oyama (currently Toyama), 2000PDF

The 21st meeting (Tama, 1999PDF

The 20th meeting (Ago (Currently Shima), 1998PDF

The 19th meeting (Tama, 1997PDF

The 18th meeting (Oyama (currently Toyama), 1996PDF

The 17th meeting (Yasuura  (currently Kure), 1995PDF

The 16th meeting (Ohmi-Hachiman, 1994PDF

The 15th meeting (Ago (currently Shima), 1993PDF

The 14th meeting (Tokyo), 1992PDF

The 13th meeting (Oyama (currently Toyama), 1991PDF

The 12th meeting (Kei-hoku (currently Kyoto)), 1990PDF

The 11th meeting (Gifu), 1989PDF

The 10th meeting (Kobe), 1988)  PDF

The 9th meeting (Karuizawa, 1987PDF

The 8th meeting (Tatsunokuchi (currently Nomi), 1986)   PDF

The 7th meeting (Kyoto, 1985)  PDF

The 6th meeting (Higashihiroshima 1985PDF

The 5th meeting (Nakatsugawa, 1984PDF

The 4th meeting (Karuizawa, 1987)  PDF

The 3rd meeting (Kobe, 1981) PDF

The 2nd meeting (Kobe, 1980PDF

The 1st meeting (Karuizawa, 1978PDF